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The professions in the FORPRO PACA network

  • The instructorsand administrative staff are recruited by the FORPRO PACA Network structures.
  • The Vocational Training Advisors (CFP) are recruited by the rectorat. 

Information Systems Project Manager
Information Systems Project Manager

Continuing education advisor (vocational training advisor)

The Academic Region is recruiting new continuing education advisers for the start of the 2025-2026 academic year.

The continuing education advisor (CFC), reporting to the DRAFPIC, is responsible for developing vocational training and apprenticeship activities within the GRETA-CFA network.

The CFC acts as an interface between the various players in the education system and external partners.
As a development officer, the CFC is responsible for leading work relating to the development, adaptation, organisation and promotion of the vocational training and apprenticeship offer of the Education Nationale.

His work focuses mainly on the following areas:

- analysis of the economic and social environment and the resulting adult training needs,

- advice and negotiation of training projects and agreements with public and private partners,

- design of training schemes and organisational methods,

- promotion and diversification of training provision,

- internal coordination, monitoring and evaluation of vocational training initiatives.

The location of vacant posts or posts likely to become vacant is not precisely known at this time.

We therefore invite anyone interested in the position to apply regardless of their personal address, without waiting for the geographical details of the vacancy.

To do this, download the following documents:

  • the generic repository of the duties of the continuing education adviser,
  • the application file,

If you would like further information, we invite you to attend an information meeting, led by continuing education advisers by videoconference.

They are being organised:

Wednesday 26 February 2025 at 10.30am


Wednesday 12 March 2025 at 2.30pm

To take part, register for the slot of your choice at the following address: before Monday 24 February or Monday 10 March 2025.

Applications should be sent by postl to: by Wednesday 2 April 2025, deadline.

Acting Vocational Training Advisor

Like the Vocational Training Advisor , the acting Vocational Training Advisor is responsible for:

  • develop vocational training and apprenticeship activities within the GRETA and GRETA-CFA network;
  • exercise a permanent interface role between the various players concerned within the education system and external partners;
  • lead work relating to the development, adaptation, organisation and promotion of the National Education's adult vocational training and apprenticeship offer, based on an analysis of the economic and social need for training in the region.

Educational coordinator

    • Assures the support of each learner in accordance with the educational contract;
      • Assures the coordination of training actions, their coherence and quality on a training facility or site;
        • Participates in the commercial development of the GRETA or GRETA-CFA.

        Provides training services, face-to-face and/or remotely for updating knowledge or new learning by individualising courses.

        Corporate Relations Officer
        • Organise the work-linked training campaign
        • Secure the setting up of contracts and monitor agreements
        • Promote the offer

        Balance sheet advisor
        Implements skills assessment services

        VAE coach

        Provides support services for candidates in their VAE process in order to obtain a certification issued by the Ministries of Education, Health or Labour (diploma or title).



        - Identifies and participates in the recruitment of trainees/apprentices;

        - Provides support and guidance for each trainee in resolving peripheral problems (housing, health, travel, etc.);

        - Maintains links with trainees/apprentices and reassures them by developing a relationship of trust;

        - Provides support for trainees on their way to work placements and in the company.);

        - Maintains the link, reassures the trainees/apprentices by developing a relationship of trust;

        - Provides support for periods of work experience in companies and their follow-up;

        - Ensures the development and maintenance of a partnership network in relation to the groups received (Prescribers, companies, neighbourhood centres, CS, MJC, Maison France services).

        Community life officer
        • Organisation of daily group life outside training time, in liaison with the pedagogical life of the GRETA or GRETA-CFA
        • Welcome of new entrants and liaison with the GRETA or GRETA-CFA players.

        Company Secretary
        • Implements administrative and financial processes (internal organisation, human resources management, activity monitoring)
        • Advises and assists management in decision-making

        Administrative and Financial Manager
        • Participates in defining and implementing the department's activities
        • Supervises the work of employees

        IT Manager
        Organises, monitors and implements all system and IT infrastructure within GRETAs and GRETA-CFAs.

        QSE Manager
        • Includes quality, safety and the environment in the GRETA or GRETA-CFA's overall strategy by listening to interested parties (customers, institutions, local authorities, etc.)
        • Takes charge of certification and labelling applications

        Responsable RH - Paie
        • Leads HR policy and supervises this department;
        • Implements effective recruitment, training and career management;
        • Leads occupational health and safety issues.

        Device assistant

        Provides administrative support for training courses and communicates effectively with the GRETA or GRETA-CFA's various partners and stakeholders.


        HR/Payroll Management Assistant
        Processes and manages human resources management files in compliance with procedures, regulations and the organisation of the GRETA or GRETA-CFA.

        Quality assistant
        Contributes to the implementation and maintenance of the quality management system.

        Administrative and financial management assistant
        Carries out operations linked to administrative and financial activity (expenditure - income) in accordance with the framework in force and the organisation of the GRETA or GRETA-CFA.

        Communication assistant
        • Implements actions linked to development and internal/external communication in conjunction with the DRAFPIC.
        • Promotes the image of the GRETA and GRETA-CFA network and helps to strengthen partnerships.

        IT Technician
        Troubleshoots, maintains and installs IT or office equipment (hardware, software, networks, etc.), in accordance with safety rules and regulations.

        Service agent
        Ensures the cleaning and upkeep of the GRETA or GRETA-CFA premises.


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        Réseau Formation Professionnelle
        de l'Éducation nationale