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Our training offer

The FORPRO PACA network offers a comprehensive range of services in a variety of operational formats:

  • "Business" training courses
  • "General" training courses
  • Support services
  • Customer consultancy services

Change jobs, prepare for a degree, develop your career...
Get from idea to action!

The GRETA-CFA network of 15 vocational training centres meets the professional development needs of employees, jobseekers and jobseekers throughout their lives. for employees, jobseekers and young people entering the world of work:

  • diplomas from CAP to BTS, vocational qualifications and professional sector certifications in a wide range of professions.
  • cross-disciplinary training: office automation, languages, CléA-Socle des connaissances et des compétences, preparation for competitive examinations, etc.
  • support services: skills assessment and validation of acquired experience (VAE)

With GRETA-CFA, form up for tomorrow: over 500 professions, over 1,500 training courses, 134 training establishments and centres


Réseau Formation Professionnelle
de l'Éducation nationale