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With sandwich courses, the best is future! A course, a diploma, a profession.

  • 89% success rate
  • 320 diplomas in alternance

A sandwich course can be completed under an apprenticeship contract or a professionalization contract.


A sandwich course combines the preparation of a diploma in a training centre and a paid activity in a company related to the qualification sought. training centre and a paid activity in a company related to the targeted qualification.

This can be done under an apprenticeship contract or a professionalization contract.

  • A salary and funded training
  • Responsibilities and real assignments given by the company
  • A professional qualification recognised
  • A possible hire at the end of the contract in the host company
  • Significant experience for the subsequent job search.

Apprenticeship contract

  • Young people aged 16 to 29

Exceptions may be granted for certain groups. Please consult us.

Professionalization contract

  • Young people aged 16 to 25
  • Jobseekers aged 26 and over
  • Beneficiaries of the revenu de solidarité active (RSA), the allocation de solidarité spécifique (ASS) or the allocation aux adultes handicapés (AAH)
  • People who have benefited from a subsidized contract

Work-study students are employees in their own right. They are subject to the same legal and regulatory framework as other employees.

Apprenticeship contract

The apprentice receives remuneration that varies according to their age. It increases with each new year of performance of their contract.

Le GRETA-CFA - Alternance et rémunération
Le GRETA-CFA - Alternance et rémunération

Professionalization contract

Minimum pay is set according to two criteria: age and level of initial training.

Le GRETA-CFA - Alternance et rémunération
Le GRETA-CFA - Alternance et rémunération


  • Help of €500 to prepare for your driving licence (category B). Contact your FORPRO training centre for details
  • .

More information


  • Bus and train travel within the PACA region

More info Pass Zou

  • Travel within your town or conurbation. Ask at your town hall.


  • Help with paying rent and deposits (Aides Mobili-Jeune, Garantie VISALE, Avance LOCA-PASS)

More information

  • Personal housing assistance

More information

  • Free access to a range of services from liberal health professionals and psychologists

More info Health Pass


      • E.pass Jeunes de 80 €

      More info E.pass Jeunes

      • Cinema, restaurants...thanks to the student trades card. For more information, contact your FORPRO training centre.


      • Help to finance your holidays

      More info


      • Exemption from certain employee contributions for the portion of remuneration less than or equal to 79% of the minimum wage

      Aid towards the cost of initial equipment, catering and accommodation may be granted by the company's OPCO. Find out more from your employer.

      All these benefits are subject to conditions.

      Aid is also available to companies.
      Find out more

      • Advice on choosing a course suited to your career plan
      • Work-linked job opportunities offered by partner companies in the FORPRO PACA network
      • Personalised supportto put you in touch with companies
      • A support throughout the course by a referent trainer.He or she is in contact with the company to assess how the sandwich course is progressing and to ensure that the tasks assigned are in line with the diploma's reference framework
      • Professional trainers from the business world or teachers who are agrégés or certifiés from the French Ministry of Education. Some of them are involved in drawing up the diploma reference documents and sitting on examination boards
      • Administrative formalities are handled entirely by the FORPRO PACA network structures in conjunction with the company or OPCO
      • No application or registration fees>

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      Contacts Conditions Générales de Vente (CGV) Mentions légales Politique générale de protection des données Réclamations

      Réseau Formation Professionnelle
      de l'Éducation nationale