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Corporate social responsibility

The structures of the Réseau FORPRO PACA are registered in the implementation of Quality approaches to obtain the labels:

  • The EDUFORM label. This label is based on the AFNOR BP X50-762/752 and QUALIOPI standards.
  • The QUALIOPI certification

A regional and local organisation

At regional level and in each structure of the FORPRO PACA network, an organisation has been set up to implement this policy and, in particular, to facilitate the integration of concepts and commitments linked to social responsibility:

  • Each structure in the FORPRO PACA Network has appointed a Quality, Sustainable Development and Single Document referent to implement the appropriate approaches and actions in the field.
  • Following an inventory and diagnosis of the training sites, an action plan describing the actions to be carried out and the evaluation measures is included in the objectives contract validated by the rector.

CSR priorities

  • Integrating Sustainable Development issues into the educational content of training initiatives.
  • Increasing awareness of Sustainable Development issues among learners, trainers and administrative staff.
  • Controlling the environmental impact of its activity.
  • Assessing and preventing occupational risks relating to workstations.

  • Accessibility for all (people with disabilities).
  • Participation with the region's institutional and socio-economic players in forward-looking analysis of changes in professions, work situations and training needs and environmental issues.

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Réseau Formation Professionnelle
de l'Éducation nationale