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Personal training account (CPF)

Use your Personal Training Account for training.

Employees or jobseekers, the Personal Training Account allows you to finance all or part of a training course.

Contact the organisations in the FORPRO Paca network, and together we'll build the training path that's right for you.

Anyone aged 16 or over (15 for young people on an apprenticeship contract), who is employed, looking for work, a member of a liberal profession or self-employed, has a personal training account.

The training courses concerned

The training courses that can be taken using the personal training account (known as "eligible training courses") are essentially training courses leading to qualifications and certification. The aim is to facilitate the achievement of a professional development project, within or outside the company,or a project to access or return to employment.

The following training courses in particular are eligible for the personal training account:

  • acquire a qualification (diploma, professional title, etc.),
  • acquire a professional qualification (diploma, professional title, etc.),
  • acquire a professional qualification (diploma, professional title, etc.),
  • acquire a professional qualification (diploma, professional title, etc.).),
  • acquire the knowledge and skills base,
  • be supported in validating acquired experience (VAE),
  • carry out a skills assessment,
  • prepare for the theoretical test of the highway code and the practical test of the driving licence,
  • create or take over a business
  • for volunteers and civic service volunteers, acquire the skills needed to carry out their missions.

The list of training courses is available at:

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Réseau Formation Professionnelle
de l'Éducation nationale