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Privacy policy

Article 1: Processing of personal data

RGPD stands for "General Data Protection Regulation" (GDPR). It is a European text that provides a framework for the processing of personal data on the territory of the European Union since 25 May 2018.

Legal context: Following on from the French Data Protection Act of 1978 (Loi Informatique et Libertés) the GDPR adapts and keeps pace with developments in technology and our societies.
The RGPD strengthens citizens' control over the use that may be made of their data.

As part of this website, the following co-responsible entities:

The GRETA CFA Alpes-Provence,
The GRETA CFA Marseille Méditerranée,

Representing the FORPRO PACA network, GIP FCIP and GIP FIPAN undertake that the processing of personal data carried out will comply with the RGPD and the Data Protection Act.

This privacy policy informs you about the purposes of the processing carried out via the FORPRO PACA network website, as well as their legal bases and retention periods, the recipients of the data, the security measures (general description), the possible existence of data transfers outside the European Union or automated decision-making, the use and management of cookies, your IT rights and freedoms and how to exercise them.

Who is the data controller?

The people responsible for processing data via the website are :

  • Le GIP FCIP (Groupement d'intérêt public Formation continue et insertion professionnelle) de l'académie d'Aix-Marseille

Les pléïades 1 - Bât C - Parc La Duranne - 860, rue René Descartes - 13857 Aix en Provence cedex 3

  • GIP FIPAN (Groupement d'intérêt public Formation et insertions professionnelles de l'académie de Nice)

12 boulevard René Cassin - 06200 Nice

For more information, you can refer to the legal information on this site.

Who is the Data Protection Officer?

The entities in the FORPRO PACA network are supported by Data Protection Officers (Délégués à la protection des données or DPO "Data Protection Officer") as part of their efforts to comply with the RGPD.

You can contact them:

  • For data collected by the GRETA-CFAs and the GIP FCIP of the Aix-Marseille academy (departments 04,05,13,84):
  • By post by sending your letter to : Rectorat de l'académie d'Aix-Marseille - DPO - Place Lucien Paye 13621 Cedex Aix-en-Provence.
  • Electronically:
  • For data collected by GRETA, GRETA-CFA and GIP FIPAN de l'académie de Nice (départements 06,83):
  • By post by sending your letter to : Rectorat de l'académie de Nice - DPO - 53 Avenue Cap de Croix 06100 NICE.
  • By e-mail:

What types of data can be collected and for what purposes?

"Personal data" is "any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person". A person may be identified:

  • directly (e.g. surname, first name)
  • or indirectly (e.g. by an identifier, a customer number, a telephone number...)

When using the website, the following data may be collected, and for the following purposes: 

Origin of collection
Personal data
Purposes of the processing

Information requests

Last name, first name, email and telephone contact details

Data contained in the request message
Reception and processing of information requests by the relevant internal departments

Last name, first name, e-mail and telephone contact details, status, CV and covering letter

Data contained in the message and/or in the attachment(s)

Reception and processing of applications by the internal departments concerned

First name, e-mail and telephone contact details, training organisation, training course and place concerned by the complaint

Data contained in the message

Reception and processing of complaints by the internal departments concerned
RGPD requests
Photocopy of identity card
Management and processing of requests relating to the rights of the data subject, exercised under the RGPD and the Data Protection Act
Cookie banner
Connection data
Securing the user session. To find out more about cookie management: please refer to article 2 "Cookie policy"

What is the legal basis for the processing carried out by this site?

The processing of your personal data via this site is thus based:

  • Either on your consent in the event that you entrust your personal data yourself. Your consent may of course be withdrawn at any time.
  • Sor on the performance of pre-contractual or contractual measures.
  • Or on the performance of a public service mission.
  • Or on compliance with a legal obligation particularly in terms of exercising your rights under the RGPD and the Data Protection Act.
  • Or on its legitimate interest in protecting its documents and information.

Who are the recipients of the data? Is it transferred outside the European Union?

Personal data collected is intended for the entities co-responsible for the FORPRO PACA network, which ensure that only authorised members of its staff can access it, when this is necessary for the performance of their missions.

Some personal data may however be sent to third parties to meet legal, regulatory or contractual obligations or to legally authorised authorities. The FORPRO PACA network's service providers and subcontractors are subject to the same security and confidentiality obligations. The entities of the network implement a systematic data protection contractualisation policy, defining their obligations with regard to the processing of your personal data.

The FORPRO PACA network undertakes not to transmit or transfer personal data to third parties for commercial purposes.

Personal data collected and generated by this website are under no circumstances transferred to actors located outside the European Union (EU).
Exceptions: Data displayed on our website or our social networks is visible outside the EU (example: images of data subjects).

How are the data secured?

The entities of the FORPRO PACA network are committed to protecting the personal data processed as part of this site, in compliance with the state of the art. The indications below are the main security measures to protect your personal data:

  • Procedure to comply with the principle of Privacy by design: each project to modify the site involves an RGPD compliance study and questioning about the cookies that could be set up as well as transparent information to users.
  • Procedures in the event of the detection of a security flaw or data breach: each member of the FORPRO PACA network knows the procedure to follow in order to be able to correct the former as quickly and effectively as possible, and limit the harmful consequences of the latter as far as possible.
  • Website protected by SSL protocol.
  • Hosting on an encrypted, redundant and replicated server.
  • Logging monitoring.
  • Recurring backups (3-2-1).
  • Rights and authorisations matrix.
  • Secure messaging.
  • Encrypted passwords.
  • Database partitioning.

How long is personal data kept?

Origin of collection Processing purposes

Requests for information

For the time it takes to process your request for contact and for a maximum of 2 years from the last contact


For a maximum of 2 years from receipt of your application

For the time it takes to process the complaint and for a maximum of 2 years from the closure of the complaint
. maximum from closure
RGPD right requests
Time taken to process your request (1 month)
Connection logs (logging)
12 months maximum
Cookie banner
Refer to article 2 "Cookie policy"

For more information on how long a particular piece of data is kept, you can contact the Data Protection Officer (DPD or DPO "Data Protection Officer") of the entities in the FORPRO PACA network.

What are your rights?

In accordance with the applicable legislation on the protection of personal data, you have the following rights:

  • Right of access to your personal data and to information relating to it;
  • Right of rectification, deletion and portability of your personal data;
  • Right to restrict and oppose the processing of your personal data;
  • Right to withdraw your consent;
  • Right not to be subject to a fully automated decision.

You also have (where the latter is applicable), the right to formulate general or specific directives relating to the retention, erasure and communication of your personal data after your death.

How can I exercise my rights?

Your RGPD rights request can be exercised by clicking on the link to the rights request management module of the entity concerned by the request:

Please make each of your requests by one of the above means, enclosing a copy of your ID document. This enables the FORPRO PACA network entities to verify your identity before transmitting any category of personal data. This document will be deleted once your request has been closed.

The FORPRO PACA network entities may require payment of a reasonable fee based on administrative costs for any additional copies requested (Article 15.3 of the GDPR).
In the event of manifestly unfounded or excessive requests, they may require payment of reasonable charges that take into account the administrative costs incurred in providing the information or refuse to comply with such requests (Article 12.5 of the RGPD).

Is there a legal remedy?

If, after contacting us, you feel that your rights have not been respected, you may submit a complaint to the Commission Nationale de L'Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL - the competent French supervisory authority):

  • Electronically: : contact the CNIL DPO;
  • By telephone on 01 53 73 22 22;
  • By post to the following postal address: 3 Place de Fontenoy - TSA 80715 - 75334 Paris Cedex 07

Article 2: Cookie policy

When you visit this website, cookies are placed on your computer, tablet or telephone.

A "cookie" is a sequence of information, generally small in size and identified by a name, which may be transmitted to your browser by a website to which you connect. Your web browser will store it for a certain period of time, and send it back to the web server each time you reconnect.

These cookies can make the content or information on this website more relevant, and tailor it to your personal needs.

Find out more about cookies, how they work and how to object to them: Find out more

 The purpose of this policy is to inform you specifically about the various cookies used by the forpro-paca. fr

  • "The content" : refers to all the elements and information making up the site.
  • "The publisher" or "we" : refers to the entity that supplies the site and updates it regularly.
  • "The site" : refers to the website.
  • "The user" or "you" : refers to the Internet user browsing the site.

What cookies are issued on the site?

The cookies used on this website are either necessary (to enable you to use the site's main functions) or optional (to improve your experience of the site as a user).

1. Essential cookies

These are the cookies that enable you to use the main features of the site. These cookies are mandatory and necessary for the proper operation of the site. Their deposit is justified by legitimate interest. 

until browser closes

2. Optional cookies

Used to make the content displayed more fluid and personalised, these cookies improve your experience of the site as a user. Their storage is subject to your consent. Your refusal may also be indicated by continuing your browsing. 

GoogleFixed by Google

What is a third-party cookie?

The site relies on certain services offered by third-party sites. These include:

  • Share buttons (e.g. Facebook)
  • Videos broadcast on the site (e.g. YouTube)

These features use third-party cookies deposited directly by these services. When you first visit the site, a banner informs you of the presence of these cookies and invites you to indicate your choice. They are only placed if you accept them, their placement being conditional on your consent being obtained.

How long are cookies kept and how long are your choices retained?

In principle, the choices expressed by users need to be retained during their browsing on the site. Indeed, if these choices are not kept, users would be shown a new consent request window on each page consulted.

Your choices:In accordance with the recommendations recommended by the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL), your choices (consent and refusal) are kept for a period of 6 months.

Trackers:cookies deposited on your terminals as well as those deposited by third parties are active for 13 months subject to your action to deactivate these cookies.

The information collected via these cookies is kept for a maximum of 25 months, subject to your request for deletion.

You do, however, have the option of withdrawing your consent or deactivating the cookies before the legal retention period expires by following the procedures listed below.

Note that withdrawing your consent or deleting cookies on one terminal does not apply to all your terminals. The action must be carried out on each terminal that holds the cookies.

What are your rights?

You may exercise your right to withdraw your consent at any time, directly via the cookie banner on this site, which was used to collect your consent. This banner is accessible throughout your browsing, by clicking on the icon displayed on the site.

Your other rights and how to exercise them regarding your personal data are detailed within article 1 "Processing of personal data" above.

Updated 01.03.2025

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Réseau Formation Professionnelle
de l'Éducation nationale