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VAE - Validation des Acquis de l'Expérience - offers the opportunity to obtain a diploma or certification on the basis of your experience and without having to take the tests in the traditional form.

On the basis of at least 1 year's full-time salaried or voluntary work experience, VAE enables people to gain access to a diploma or professional certification listed in the Répertoire national des certifications professionnelles (RNCP). VAE is an official recognition of skills through a certification.

All the professional skills acquired in the course of a salaried, self-employed or voluntary activity directly related to the requirements of the diploma in question may be taken into account for the purposes of validation. For the application to be admissible, it is necessary to have carried out and be able to prove that you have carried out an activity for at least 1 year related to the diploma in question, on a continuous or discontinuous basis.

VAE is a tool for securing career paths. It can help you to:

  • Recognise your experience and skills
  • Evolve in your job
  • Shorten your training path
  • Apply for a competitive examination or join a training course that requires a prior diploma
  • Obtain specific certification to comply with regulatory conditions linked to the practice of a profession

Le GRETA-CFA - Les étapes de la VAE

Phase 3 support, which lasts between 3 and 6 months on average, is optional and subject to a fee.

The application for admissibility (livret 1) must be made electronically at To do this, it is strongly recommended that you attend an information meeting to find out about the procedure.

To register for a free, no-obligation information meeting:

Our consultants will help you choose from 900 qualifications the one best suited to your experience and your project.

Ministère de l'Éducation nationale, de la Jeunesse et des Sports

  • From CAP to BTS
  • Diplôme d'État Moniteur éducateur (DEME)
  • Éducateur spécialisé (DEES - DEETS)
  • Diplôme de Comptabilité Gestion (DCG)
  • Diplôme Supérieur de comptabilité Gestion (DSCG)

    + info on : Choosing a diploma

Ministère des Solidarités et de la Santé

  • Diplôme d'Etat Agent Educatif et Social (DEAES)
  • Diplôme d'Etat Aide soignante (DEAS)
  • Diplôme d'Etat Auxiliaire de puériculture (DEAP), Éducatrice de jeunes enfants
  • Préparateur en pharmacie hospitalière

Ministère du Travail, du plein emploi et de l'insertion

  • Professional titles from level 3 to level 5

To maximise your chances of success, our consultants offer you personalised support. This support, which lasts an average of 20 hours, helps you to identify your skills, helps you to compile the livret 2 and prepares you for the interview with the jury. Conducted by VAE experts authorised by the Rectorat de l'académie de Nice et d'Aix-Marseille, it takes the form of group workshops and individual interviews.

  1. Appropriation workshop
    Study of the livret 2, the booklet constituting the experience
    Help with implementing the methodology
    Description of activities in connection with the certification sought
  2. Methodology workshop
    Identification of experience and skills in connection with the certification sought
  3. Personalised workshop (individual interview, small group or regulation)
    Adapts to candidates according to the progress of their logbook
  4. Trade workshops
    In-depth technical help with the development of activities
  5. Formalisation workshops
    Finalization of logbook 2
  6. Methodology workshop Jury preparation
    Informing on the conditions and material details of the interview with the jury
    Formulating the issues involved in the process
    Helping candidates to prepare their presentation and benefit from their livret 2 and written preparation
  7. Preparation Jury
    Preparing their presentation and interview
Learn more about our support services

- Expenses relating to the certification process

"Expenses relating to the organisation of the certification process, the personalised study of the application, which is an integral part of the examination of admissibility, and the organisation of the juries, are paid for out of vocational training funds (decree no. 2017-1135 of 4-7-2017) on the basis of a single lump sum determined by the ministry responsible for national education"

For employees: under the Personal Training Account (CPF), the skills development plan

For jobseekers: under the Personal Training Account (CPF), VAE assistance by France Travail

- Expenses relating to the support service

For employees: under the Personal Training Account (CPF), VAE leave, Pro-A, skills development plan

For jobseekers: under the Personal Training Account (CPF), VAE pass from the PACA Regional Council

+ info on : VAE funding

20 years' experience in the PACA region

  • 10 VAE spaces for a local response in the PACA region
  • VAE advisers for personalised follow-up
  • Support for more than 900 qualifications
  • more than 25,000 people supported since 2002
  • 89% validated, including 71% fully validated
  • Administrative and educational support throughout the process

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Réseau Formation Professionnelle
de l'Éducation nationale