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  • Training courses based on contextualised situations from everyday and professional life
  • Tailor-made courses to discover, perfect or reactivate your French and foreign language skills
  • Training courses to certify your language skills: the DCL for 13 languages and the TOEIC for English, eligible for the CPF.

The DCL - Diploma in Language Skills

  • The DCL assesses the ability to use a language in a simulated situation, close to professional reality.
  • A single test for all, a result based on performance.
  • There are no prerequisites in terms of training, professional experience or nationality.
  • It is valid for an unlimited period.
  • Assessment is possible in 13 languages: Arabic, Breton, Chinese, English, FLE, French sign language, Occitan, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and 1st level professional French.
  • The DCL is aligned with the levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) recognised in all countries of the European Union.
    It assesses all dimensions of language proficiency in a single test: reading comprehension, listening comprehension, written expression, oral expression, oral interaction.
    The performance achieved is used to assign one of the CEFR levels: from A1-A2 for first-level Professional French and A2-C1 for all other languages.

A pass rate of over 90%
A certification for professional life that is aimed at all audiences:

  • employees
    Recognition of language skills through an official diploma secures the employability of employees and encourages progression towards internationally-focused activities.
  • teachers
  • Foreign residents in the process of integration
    For any adult migrant wishing to settle in France on a long-term basis, a B1 level of oral proficiency (cf. CEFR) is required for access to French nationality.

Le GRETA-CFA - Déroulement de l'examen DCL

  • Preparation for the DCL exams under real exam conditions.
  • Free diagnosis of the oral and written language level before any entry into the course training
  • Tailoring the training programme to each individual's profile
  • All the structures in the Network FORPRO PACA are accredited DCL examination and preparation centres.

For information,
to find out the dates of forthcoming exam sessions,
to consult the annals, to register for the exam:

The TOEIC - English language test for international communication

  • The TOEIC assesses, by means of a multiple-choice questionnaire, people's ability to communicate in English in a professional context or in situations of international exchange.
  • The TOEIConly concerns English
  • The TOEIC awards a score that assesses the degree of competence by identifying strong points and areas for improvement.

  • The TOEIC Listening and Reading certification acts as a common benchmark for assessing and comparing the business language skills of non-native speakers of English.
  • The TOEIC Bridge test is a paper-based assessment that evaluates a person's ability to listen to and read everyday English.
  • Thanks to the score awarded, candidates have a description of their skills: strengths and improvements.

The structures of the FORPRO PACA network organise private TOEIC test sessions.

The TOEIC tests are standardised so as to guarantee all candidates the same chances of attesting to their skills whatever their age, gender, nationality or sector of activity.

The candidate completes a paper-based MCQ (multiple-choice questionnaire) test.

There are two timed sections of 50 questions for the TOEIC Bridge (score from 20 to 180 points) and 100 questions for the TOEIC Listening and Reading (score from 10 to a maximum of 990 points).

  • Free diagnostic of the oral and written language level before any entry into training
  • Course personalised in duration and content according to the TOEIC prepared
  • Individualised coaching to obtain the best score
  • All the structures of the FORPRO PACA are accredited private TOEIC centres
  • All the training courses offered are eligible for the Compte Personnel de Formation (CPF) if the candidate also registers for a certification : DCL exam for 13 languages and TOEIC exam for English

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Réseau Formation Professionnelle
de l'Éducation nationale