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Disability policy

All the organisations in the FORPRO PACA network are committed to encouraging and supporting the integration of people with disabilities.


The FORPRO-PACA network informs you and supports you in your project, whether you are a company wishing to take on a disabled trainee or apprentice or a future disabled trainee/apprentice interested in training.

The FORPRO-PACA network, committed to Corporate Social Responsibility, is affirming its desire to promote the inclusion of people with disabilities.

To this end, it has embarked on a vast programme of raising awareness among its teams and is strengthening its partnerships with qualified structures.

Our commitments

We undertake to:

  • Provide you with all the information you need, upstream of the course;
  • Design a suitable course;
  • Assist you with the steps you need to take to benefit from support;
  • Assuring links with the structures likely to facilitate entry into training (funding, material and human support, etc.);
  • Coordinating the implementation of the programme with the teaching teams.

Our aim is to put in place all the necessary resources to enable you to take full advantage of your training and succeed in your career project.

To support you, each structure has appointed a disability referent, a privileged contact for individuals and companies. The contact details of the Disability Referrers appear on each training course description sheet.

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Contacts Conditions Générales de Vente (CGV) Mentions légales Politique générale de protection des données Réclamations

Réseau Formation Professionnelle
de l'Éducation nationale