Our business: training and supporting you
Presentation & Missions
In the PACA academic region, the FORPRO network offers 2,400 training courses at more than 340 locations.
Located in National Education establishments, our network meets the life-long professionalisation needs of employees, jobseekers and young people undergoing vocational integration.
The FORPRO PACA network is made up of:
which pool their skills and resources to offer a range of training courses and services in most professional fields.
For nearly 50 years, the partnerships we have forged with economic and institutional players (France Travail, Région Sud, Conseils généraux, Fonds Social Européen, etc.) make our training courses accessible to all.
With its finger on the pulse of recruitment, mobility and skills transfer issues, the FORPRO PACA network helps companies manage their human resources.
Key figures
29500 |
people trained per year |
340 |
institutions and training centres |
10000 |
partner companies |
2400 |
professional training |
750 |
trainers and expert speakers |
92 |
professional training consultants |
The strength of a network
50 years of history...
The law of 16 July 1971, known as the Delors law, recognised for the first time employees' right to lifelong learning and introduced the obligation for companies and the state to fund training.
The French Ministry of Education gave a strong impetus to the development of an adult education network by creating the GRETAs. National Education staff (school heads, heads of works, teachers) are mobilised to provide their support for adult training.
Reform of training leave, the purpose of which is to enable all employees, during their working lives, on their own initiative and on a personal basis, to attend training courses independently of their participation in the company's training plan.
GRETAs are innovating, adapting training courses to new types of audience, developing the practice of capitalisable units and systems enabling individualisation of training.
The national employment fund drives a policy of industrial conversion. The first national agreements with companies and professional branches are signed.
The GRETA network proves to major industrial groups that it can be a partner to large organisations and provide consistent, coherent responses: design of trade groups, methods for identifying skills, linking job analyses with training benchmarks, etc.
The Decentralisation Act gives regional councils responsibility for implementing apprenticeship and continuing vocational training schemes.
Since then, the GRETA network, thanks to its territorial coverage, has become a major player alongside institutional bodies in the development of qualifications and skills for all sections of the public.
Since the early 1980s, vocational training has become a tool in the service of policy to combat unemployment.
With the creation of qualification contracts for young people in 1986, the GRETAs developed a network of partnerships with companies in their area, enabling them to devise schemes tailored to these target groups - reception, guidance, assessment of prior learning on entering and leaving the training programme - social and professional support for trainees, increased periods spent in companies as part of the training curriculum, etc.
Individualisation practices are developing and the opening of permanent centres is based on a teaching organisation adapted to differentiated training pathways.
Interprofessional agreement creating, in particular, skills assessment leave. Drawing on their knowledge of the local job market, GRETAs have strengthened their teams of experts in work psychology to carry out skills assessments.
In the PACA academic region, more than 25 centres now welcome employees or jobseekers who wish to use a skills assessment to analyse their skills, motivations and aptitudes with a view to defining a professional or training project.
En savoir +
The social modernisation law institutes VAE - Validation of Acquired Experience -.
Since the introduction of this new route to certification, GRETAs have been supporting people who wish to enhance their experience and have their skills recognised through certification.
Today, the Espaces VAE in the PACA academic region offer support for more than 900 qualifications.
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Law on lifelong vocational training and social dialogue in particular creates an individual right to training (DIF) for all employees and overhauls the work-linked training scheme with the creation of the professionalisation contract.
The GRETAs' offer is evolving significantly towards modular, tailor-made training courses, to adapt to the demand for "DIF training courses".
On this site, work-linked training courses are specifically mentioned.
Find out more about work-linked training on the candidate side
Find out more about work-linked training on the company side
The law of 5 March 2014 on professional training, employment and social democracy in particular puts an end to the Individual Right to Training (DIF) and creates the Personal Training Account (CPF) open to anyone who is employed or looking for work.
Find out more about the Personal Training Account
The world has changed: the high level of unemployment and the acceleration of economic change mean that vocational training is seen as a decisive lever for accessing, maintaining and returning to employment.
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Law on the quality of continuing vocational training activities. This law specifies the criteria to be taken into account by training funders (State, Regions, Opca, Opacif, Pôle emploi and Agefiph) in order to ensure that training providers are capable of delivering quality training.
GRETAs have been involved in quality initiatives for a number of years: GRETA Plus, AFNOR best practice reference framework, ISO 9001, EDUFORM, Qualité RE.S.E.A.U Région PACA, PVE-Performance vers l'emploi and now EDUFORM2 and QUALIOPI.
They have also obtained the certifications and accreditations defined by the professional sectors, enabling them to provide training or issue specific certifications for certain professions.
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In application of the law of 5 September 2018 "For the freedom to choose one's professional future", on 1 January 2020, the GRETA-CFAs, GRETAs and GIPs in the PACA region become the only National Education training bodies able to provide apprenticeship training in public education establishments in the territory.
With a wealth of experience in work-linked training (under professionalisation contracts), these structures now organise training courses from CAP to BTS, as well as professional Apprenticeship Titles.
In order to promote the securing of professional career paths for all audiences and better territorial anchoring, the GRETA-CFAs, GRETAs and GIPs of the Aix-Marseille academy and the Nice academy are harmonising their training offer, pooling their resources and defining a common development policy within the PACA academic region.
By grouping together under the new FORPRO PACA brand, they are able to offer greater clarity and coordination vis-à-vis companies, funders and institutional partners.
Organisation of vocational training in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
The DRAFPIC is a department of the rectorat which leads and coordinates the activities of the GRETAs and GRETA-CFAs.
At the head of this department, the Academic Regional Director of Initial, Continuing Vocational Training and Apprenticeship (DRAFPIC) is the technical advisor to the Rector of the PACA academic region who:
The DRAFPIC team is made up of continuing education advisers who carry out cross-functional missions for GRETAs and GRETA-CFAs: human resources management, educational engineering, information system management, management control, communication and development, leading working groups by profession, etc.
Since 2002, the Continuing Education and Professional Integration Public Interest Group (GIP-FCIP) of the Aix-Marseille academy has been implementing a range of services contributing to education, lifelong training and professional integration. It is involved in the following areas:
- Agent for public contracts of regional scope ( France Travail or the regional training plan...) on behalf of the academy's GRETA-CFAs as well as partners from outside the National Education
- Carrying out training courses falling within the scope of continuing vocational training
- Support function for the academy's 4 GRETA-CFAs in the areas of responding to calls for tender, communication, management, HR and the staff training plan.
Public service mission of the VAE approach (advice and admissibility) and commercial services to support candidates and companies
Operations funded by Europe (Erasmus...), by the Provence-Alpes Côte d'Azur regional council or by other private and public funds
Since 2002, the Groupement d'Intérêt Public Formation et Insertion Professionnelles de l'Académie de Nice (GIP-FIPAN) has been providing a range of services for education, lifelong learning and professional integration. It operates in the following areas:
- Agent for public contracts of regional scope ( France Travail or regional training plan...) on behalf of the GRETAs of the Nice academy as well as partners from outside the National Education
- Carrying out training courses falling within the scope of continuing vocational training
- Support function for the GRETAs of the Nice academy in the areas of responding to calls for tenders, communication, management, HR and the staff training plan.
Public service mission for the VAE process (advice and admissibility) and commercial services to support candidates and companies.
Development of apprenticeships in all public high schools in the Nice academy and within the academy's GRETA network
- Innovative training courses from training engineering to digital transformation
- International mobility of employees and apprentices
Collaborative digital creation space for training organisations and companies
Find out more about GIP FIPANGRETAs and GRETA-CFAs are the National Education's adult continuing education structures.
The activity of the GRETAs and GRETA-CFAs places the French education system at the forefront of public continuing education organisations.
They draw on the facilities and staff resources of the establishments.
These local public education establishments (EPLEs) that belong to GRETAs and GRETA-CFAs may be:
Each GRETA or GRETA-CFA programmes and organises training courses according to the needs expressed locally by businesses, local authorities and representatives of public employment services.
The FORPRO PACA network participates in the economic development of the region and performs its services with public (State/France Travail , local authorities) and private partners (companies, OPCO...).
Budgetarily self-sufficient, it operates in the competitive continuing training market.
Public funds come from the State or local authorities, which finance training courses for which the FORPRO PACA network has been selected by invitation to tender.
Private funds come from companies or OPCOs in application of the various regulatory measures governing continuing employee training.
Réseau Formation Professionnelle
de l'Éducation nationale