As part of the public procurement process, many of the FORPRO PACA Network's training courses are subsidised by the South Region, France Travail, local authorities and the European Social Fund. These courses are subject to special conditions. Contact the Réseau FORPRO PACA for more information.
The Regional Council's training courses with ESF co-financing:
The ESF (European Social Fund) The ESF ( European Social Fund) is Europe's main employment support scheme: it intervenes to help people find better jobs and to offer fairer career prospects to all EU citizens. To do this, it invests in Europe's human capital: workers, young people and all jobseekers.
The ESF funds projects targeting the following priorities:
As part of the 2014/2020 Structural Funds Programming period, the Region has applied for co-financing from the European Social Fund (ESF). Thus, the financing of pre-qualifying, qualifying and professionalising training actions relating to the "strategic sectors" Regional Training Programme of the Regional Public Commission for Continuing Vocational Training benefits from co-financing from the ESF.
Les Actions de Formation Conventionnées par France Travail (AFC):
L'action de formation conventionnée représente l'opportunité d'amener les connaissances et compétences des demandeurs d'emploi au niveau demandé par le marché du travail, en termes de:
The agreed training action takes place in a training centre. It is based on a need for recruitment and qualifications identified by companies with job potential.
The target groups are jobseekers, whether or not they are entitled to benefits.
When the existing funding schemes (those of the local authorities, the OPCAs, etc.) are unable to pay for your training project, either partially or in full, you may be eligible for an Aide individuelle à la formation (AIF) which will contribute to the funding of the educational costs of your training.
You should contact your France Travail adviser, who will validate your project with regard to the content, educational costs and duration of the training course, as well as its effectiveness in helping you return to work.
France Travail can offer jobseekers and their future employers training aids such as the POE (operational preparation for employment) or the AFPR (training action prior to recruitment). These training schemes enable people to acquire the professional qualifications and skills they need for the job in question.
Professionalization contracts and apprenticeship contracts are employment contracts alternating periods of training and work to promote professional integration or reintegration through the acquisition of a recognized professional qualification.
.The applicant must have been employed for 24 months, consecutively or otherwise, over the last 5 years, including 4 months on a fixed-term contract, consecutively or otherwise, over the last 12 months.
Ex-CDD applicants must start their training no more than 6 months after the end of their last fixed-term contract.
Any person aged 16 or over (15 for young people on an apprenticeship contract), who is employed, looking for work, a member of a liberal profession or self-employed, has a personal training account. For a full-time employee, the account is topped up by €500 per year, up to a ceiling of €5,000 and €800 for the least qualified (ceiling €8,000). For part-time employees, the account is topped up in proportion to the time worked. Additional top-ups above the ceiling may be made by the employer, an OPCO, France Travail... Training courses concerned The training courses that can be taken using the personal training account (known as "eligible training courses") are essentially training courses leading to qualifications and certification. The aim is to facilitate the achievement of a professional development project, within or outside the company,or a project to access or return to employment. The following training courses are therefore eligible for the personal training account:
More info on your CPF rights:
Réseau Formation Professionnelle
de l'Éducation nationale