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Expertise in financial engineering

The continuing education advisers of the FORPRO PACA Network accompany companies in defining and financing their training projects.

Their knowledge of the schemes, regulations, resource players and co-financing systems ensures that you optimise the financing of the training you wish to implement.

For your employees

The skills development plan replaces the training plan. It allows employees to take training courses at the initiative of their employer, as opposed to training courses that they can take on their own initiative through their personal training account.


Any employee can be targeted by a training action provided for in their company's skills development plan. In this case, going on training is treated as the normal performance of his employment contract. They may not object (except in special cases).

Training courses concerned:

  • Mandatory or necessary training courses, which are those that are a condition for carrying out an activity or a function in application of an international agreement or legal and regulatory provisions. They constitute effective working time and are paid for by the employer.
  • Non-compulsory training courses : these also constitute effective working time and are paid for by the employer, except when they take place outside working hours.

The cost of the training is borne by the company.

The Pro-A scheme enables employees, particularly those whose qualifications are insufficient in the light of changes in technology or work organisation, to facilitate a change of trade or profession and encourage professional development or promotion and job retention.

The training alternates with their professional activity.


The Pro-A scheme is intended for:

  • employees on open-ended employment contracts (CDI)
  • employees on open-ended single integration contracts (CUI)
  • employees, professional sportspeople or trainers, on fixed-term employment contracts (CDD).

Employees must have a qualification level of less than a bachelor's degree.

The training courses concerned:

  • a diploma or qualification for professional purposes registered with the RNCP
  • a certificate of professional qualification (CQP)
  • a qualification recognised in the classifications of a national branch collective agreement.

the training must be between 15% and 25% of the duration of Pro-A (with a minimum of 150 hours) and must take place over a period of between 6 and 12 months (which may be extended, in certain cases, to 24 or even 36 months). No minimum or maximum duration applies when Pro-A is aimed at acquiring the knowledge and skills base (CléA Certificate) or enables validation of prior experience (VAE).

The training is funded by the skills operator (OPCO) to which the employer pays its contribution.

Any person aged 16 or over (15 for young people on an apprenticeship contract), who is employed, looking for work, a member of a liberal profession or self-employed, has a personal account

For full-time employees, the account is topped up by €500 per year, up to a maximum of €5,000, and by €800 for the least qualified (up to a maximum of €8,000). For part-time employees, the account is Additional contributions over and above the ceiling may be made by the employer, an OPCO, France Travail, etc.


The training courses concerned

The training courses that can be taken using the personal training account (known as "eligible training courses") are essentially training courses leading to qualifications and certification. The aim is to facilitate the achievement of a professional development project, within or outside the company,or a project to access or return to employment.

The following training courses in particular are eligible for the personal training account:

    • acquire a qualification (diploma, professional title, etc.),
    • acquire a professional qualification (diploma, professional title, etc.),
    • acquire a professional qualification (diploma, professional title, etc.),
    • acquire a professional qualification (diploma, professional title, etc.).),
    • acquire the knowledge and skills base,
    • be supported in validating acquired experience (VAE),
    • carry out a skills assessment,
    • prepare for the theoretical test of the highway code and the practical test of the driving licence,
    • create or take over a business
    • for volunteers and civic service volunteers, acquire the skills needed to carry out their missions.

    More info on your CPF rights:

    The professional transition project ( PTP) replaces individual training leave (CIF); It enables employees wishing to change jobs or professions to finance training leading to certification in line with their project.


    The employee must provide proof of at least twenty-four months' seniority, consecutive or otherwise, including twelve months with the company, regardless of the nature of successive employment contracts.

    Training courses concerned:

    Certifying training courses eligible for the personal training account (CPF)


    Réseau Formation Professionnelle
    de l'Éducation nationale