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CléA, the first national inter-professional certification, validates 7 areas of cross-disciplinary skills exercised in professional situations.

Accessible in 5 years, CléA is valid for an unlimited period.

CléA - Certification of the professional skills base

The certification of cross-disciplinary skills practised in a professional situation is a performance lever for companies making it possible to:

  • Value initiatives in terms of developing skills and qualifications
  • Improving the quality of life at work
  • Increase employee motivation for training
  • Build loyalty among employees and customers
  • .
  • To be supported in a tool-based, contextualised and relevant approach, steered by a network of experts, until you obtain obtaining the CléA 

The entire CléA approach is based around a single reference framework, contextualised to the professional environment of employees comprising:

  • A diagnostic stage
  • Individualised training tailored to work situations
  • Continuous assessment
  • Certification validated by a joint panel

  • Communicate in French
  • Use the basic rules of arithmetic and mathematical reasoning
  • Use standard digital information and communication techniques
  • Work within the rules of teamwork
  • Work independently and achieve an individual goal
  • Learn to be a lifelong learner
  • Mastering gestures and postures, complying with basic hygiene, safety and environmental rules.

CléA certification is obtained when75% of all assessment criteria are met.

Le GRETA-CFA - La prestation d'accompagnement CléA

  • The CléA certificate can be obtained as early as the preliminary assessment (EP) with the employee's current knowledge and skills.
  • If these skills are supplemented by training and/or new professional experience, validation of the 7 CléA skill areas can be obtained within a maximum period of 5 years.

The contextualised training pathway, made up of 28 modules in total, aims to acquire the skills to be developed, identified by the assessors, up to CléA certification.

Le GRETA-CFA - Example of a CléA training path

At the end of the prior assessment of prior learning:

  • the areas 2 "Use the basic rules of arithmetic and mathematical reasoning" and 5 "Work independently and achieve an individual objective" are validated.
  • 8 sub-areas are not validated.

  • A bespoke support system rooted in your professional practices

From diagnosis to assessment of the employee's professional skills, to the training pathway, right through to obtaining CléA.

  • Identification of work situations representative of the difficulties encountered by employees
  • Information, communication, motivation of the employees concerned

Analysis of needs

  • Determination of the professional skills required to carry out an activity
  • Identification of the areas of acquired skills : prior assessment
  • Identification of the gap with the expected profile for mastering the activity


  • Development of a contextualised modular training pathway
  • Final assessment for CléA Certification

  • Accredited assessors and trainers
  • A controlled assessment approach, based on supporting the employee in describing the skill, gathering evidence, putting the employee in a situation that mobilises the skills in action
  • A training approach that articulates learning methods, content, rhythms, learning spaces and customised remediation

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Réseau Formation Professionnelle
de l'Éducation nationale