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Recruiting under a work-linked training scheme, ready to take the plunge?

As part of an apprenticeship contract or professionalisation contract, work-linked training offers the opportunity to recruit, under advantageous conditions, a motivated future employee that the FORPRO PACA Network will help you identify.

  • Professionalise and train the person recruited in a profession and in your company's culture.
  • Ensure the transfer of skills within your teams by recruiting today your employees of tomorrow.
  • Promote access to or return to employment through work-linked training leading to a recognised professional qualification (diplomas, professional titles, CQP, etc.).

Apprenticeship contracts

  • Companies in the craft, commercial, industrial and agricultural sectors, as well as employers in associations and the liberal professions
  • Employers in the non-industrial and commercial public sector (state, regional and hospital civil services, as well as public administrative establishments)

  • Any employer subject to a training contract

    • , territorial and hospital civil services, as well as public administrative establishments)

    Professionalization contract

    • Any employer liable to fund continuing vocational training

     The State, local authorities and their public administrative establishments may not enter into professionalisation contracts.

  • Professional training contracts or apprenticeship contracts may be concluded for a fixed or indefinite period. Their duration varies according to the training chosen.

    The duration of the training represents:

    • at least 25% of the total duration of the contract in the context of the apprenticeship contract.
    • between 15% and 25% of the duration of the contract without being less than 150 hours in the context of the professionalisation contract, unless there is a branch derogation.

    Apprenticeship contract

    The apprentice receives remuneration that varies according to their age. It increases with each new year of performance of their contract.

    Le GRETA-CFA - Alternance et rémunération
    Le GRETA-CFA - Alternance et rémunération

    Professionalization contract

    Minimum pay is set according to two criteria: age and level of initial training.

    Le GRETA-CFA - Alternance et rémunération
    Le GRETA-CFA - Alternance et rémunération

    The TRAINING COSTS, whatever the contract, are funded by the company's OPCO (Skills Operator)


    Apprenticeship contract:

    • €5,000 for companies with fewer than 250 employees
    • €2,000 for companies with 250 or more employees

      Companies > 250 employees must commit to achieving the following thresholds:

      Have reached the rate of 5% of contracts promoting professional integration (apprenticeship contracts, professionalisation contracts, and, during the year following the end date of the professionalisation or apprenticeship contract, employees hired on permanent contracts by the company at the end of the said contract, CIFRE and VIE contracts) in the total annual salaried workforce, by 31 December 2026.


      Have achieved at least 3% of alternating work-study students (apprenticeship contracts and professionalisation contracts) in the total annual salaried workforce at 31 December 2026 and have seen an increase of at least 10% in alternating work-study students (or in the proportions provided for by the branch agreement where applicable) at 31 December 2026, compared with the annual salaried workforce falling into these categories (apprenticeship contracts and professionalisation contracts) at 31 December 2025.

    • €6,000 for the recruitment of apprentices with disabilities, regardless of the size of the company.

    • The aid is paid for the first year of performance of the contract only.

      Note: when an employer has already benefited from aid for the recruitment of apprentices under a previous apprenticeship contract with the same apprentice for the same diploma, it cannot benefit from this aid.

    • Reduction of employers' social insurance and family allowance contributions for salaries below 1.6 times the SMIC

      • Professionalization contract:

          • Reduction of employers' social insurance and family allowance contributions for salaries below 1.6 times the SMIC.
            • Aid paid by France Travail for the recruitment of a jobseeker:

            - Aged 26 and over: lump-sum aid to the employer (AFE) of up to €2,000.
            - Aged 45 and over: €2,000 cumulable with the AFE.

              • No end-of-contract indemnity (CDD) to be paid.
                • Aid of up to €5,000 for the recruitment of people with disabilities.

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          Réseau Formation Professionnelle
          de l'Éducation nationale