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The Quality approach

For many years now, the organisations in the FORPRO PACA network have been committed to quality processes in order to optimise their organisation to ensure the success of their trainees and the maximum satisfaction of their partners.

The integration of Sustainable Development issues into the educational content of training courses.

Skills-based training courses take account of changes in regulations and environmental measures specific to each business sector.
Learners, trainers and administrative staff are made aware of the challenges of Sustainable Development.

Controlling the environmental impact of your business

The right things to do:

  • Save water
  • Save electricity
  • Save consumables (optimise photocopying, reuse and/or recycle paper, etc.)
  • Gentle, environmentally-friendly mobility

Common sense initiatives

  • training trainers and teaching teams
    • providing awareness guides
    • distance training to limit travel

    Communicating on SD

    • poster in classrooms recommending good practice
    • sharing experiences and good practice via website and social networks

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    Réseau Formation Professionnelle
    de l'Éducation nationale