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Skills assessment

The skills assessment enables your employees, with the help of a qualified consultant, to reflect on their professional skills and interests, explore their potential for development, and build a concrete action plan in order to define a professional project and/or a training project.

The skills assessment: a skills management tool 
It enables you to:

  • Identify and better manage employees' skills
  • Anticipate staff development needs
  • Encouraging mobility
  • Develop individualised training pathways
  • Redynamising employees

Le GRETA-CFA - Les étapes du bilan de compétences

The duration of a skills assessment is 24 hours over 6 to 8 weeks, alternating between phases of individual interviews, personal work and meetings with professionals.
Follow-up is carried out with the beneficiary in the 6 months following the service.

Le GRETA-CFA - Le bilan de compétences modularisé

On the basis of an upstream identification of needs, in particular by the Conseil en Evolution Professionnelle - CEP, it is possible to adapt and modularise the skills assessment.

Thus, the skills assessment must be able to take into account specific needs (such as, for example: skills assessment for business creators or business owners, skills assessment for working people with disabilities...)

. The duration and sequencing of the modular skills assessment will take account of the individual's situation and characteristics, thereby providing a more targeted response to their needs.

The skills assessment can be financed as part of the company's training plan, the CPF (Personal Training Account) or Skills Assessment leave.

It should be noted that only the full Skills Assessment can be financed by the CPF; a course consisting of one or a few modules is not eligible for the CPF.

Find out more Learn more

  • 20 years' experience of a partnership network of employers who welcome beneficiaries to observe and/or take part in company activity, confronting and contextualising their professional projects with reality.
  • Experienced multidisciplinary teams:
    - Human resources practitioners, psychologists, career guidance counsellors, our teams have practical experience in career coaching, personal development as well as expertise in companies and the labour market.
    - Our consultants offer support that enhances the value of individuals by helping them to identify points of support to build their project. They abide by the rules of professional ethics and confidentiality, and are committed to promoting practices that put people in a position to play an active role in their professional future.
  • Assistance in putting together funding applications in conjunction with your OPCO.

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