At the end of their training, holders of this Professional Qualification will be able to:
- operate heating production, chilled water production, hydraulic distribution and air treatment equipment, known as HVAC systems in tertiary and industrial buildings.
- perform start-up, partial or total shutdown and regular operating readings on equipment.
- apply, if the need arises, a written procedure for safeguarding or putting the equipment into a degraded operating state.
- carry out level 2 preventive and corrective operations on this equipment as part of a maintenance contract.
- work effectively as part of a maintenance team made up of several agents and technicians under the responsibility of a unit manager.
- comply with health and safety rules during his/her work, particularly in the use of personal protective equipment, and manage the waste associated with the maintenance of the premises, the cleanliness of which he/she is responsible for.
When working on thermodynamic equipment, you will have obtained an aptitude certificate for handling category 1 refrigerants.
BC01 - Operate HVAC equipment
Start up or shut down HVAC equipment
Take operating readings of HVAC equipment
Put HVAC equipment into a degraded operating state
BC02 - Perform preventive and corrective maintenance on HVAC equipment
BC03 - Perform preventive and corrective maintenance on HVAC equipment
BC04 - Perform preventive and corrective maintenance on HVAC equipment
BC05 - Perform preventive and corrective maintenance on HVAC equipment Carry out level 2 preventive and corrective maintenance on thermal equipment and heating and domestic hot water distribution networks
Carry out preventive maintenance on thermal equipment and heating and domestic hot water distribution networks
Carry out simple repairs on thermal equipment and heating and domestic hot water distribution networks
BC03 - Carry out level 2 preventive and corrective maintenance on air handling equipment
Carry out preventive maintenance on air handling equipment
Carry out simple repairs on air handling equipment
BC04 - Carry out level 2 preventive and corrective maintenance on thermodynamic equipment and chilled water distribution networks
Carry out preventive maintenance on thermodynamic equipment and chilled water distribution networks
Carry out simple repairs on thermodynamic equipment and chilled water distribution networks
Find out more about this qualification (RNCP38744, exact wording of the diploma, name of the certifier, registration date of the qualification) by clicking here.
Level 3ème or equivalent experience.
12 people
Positioning upstream of training entry.
Interviews, remediation with the educational referent and/or company referent during training.
Taking into account beneficiary satisfaction during and at the end of training.
Trainers experienced in individualising learning.
Trainers experienced in individualising learning.
Course evaluations (ECF)
Tests at the end of training (One-off evaluation)
Jobseekers, young people and adults:
1/ Have your career plan validated by Pôle Emploi
2/ Attend one of the collective information meetings held every Tuesday at 9am.
3/ Successful candidates will be informed by telephone; unsuccessful candidates will be informed by post
Positioning test by appointment.
Interview by appointment.
>.Meetings every Tuesday at 9am at L'ESPACE BTP
Contact us to register for a meeting.
Access to the following professions:
- HVAC maintenance agent
- air conditioning maintenance agent
- heating maintenance and operating agent
- HVAC maintenance agent
Sectors of activity:
- major energy services and construction and public works companies with subsidiaries dedicated to the operation and maintenance of HVAC equipment in multi-family residential buildings, tertiary buildings and the industry sector
- HVAC engineering ETIs carrying out installation and renovation work as well as the maintenance of HVAC equipment in multi-family residential buildings, multi-service companies maintaining HVAC equipment in multi-dwelling buildings, tertiary buildings and the industrial sector
Access for people with disabilities
Accessible to people with disabilitiesTransport
Métro line 1 : Timone station
Bus line 72 or 91
On foot 1 min
Satisfaction rate: 93% out of 11people who responded to our satisfaction survey
Overall job integration rate: 72%
Integration rate into the target profession: 72%
Recommendation rate: 100% out of 11 people who responded to our satisfaction survey
Study continuation rate: 0%
GRETA-CFA Marseille Méditerranée
GRETA-CFA Marseille Méditerranée
Réseau Formation Professionnelle
de l'Éducation nationale