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Training engineering

The FORPRO PACA Network supports your company in building a "training solution" along 2 lines of intervention:

  • advice
  • engineering 

Advice and engineering tailored to the customer: each request is the subject of a careful analysis of needs, work situations and organisations in order to build a unique training response.

The FORPRO PACA network is one of the leading continuing education networks for adults, offering training in most professions.

Experience and professionalism

  • 50 years of experience in adult training
  • The expertise of a national and regional network
  • The expertise of diplomas and certifications
  • The know-how of the teams: 92 Vocational Training Advisors and 750 trainers who are experts in their field
  • A tightly knit network for a presence in every region

Quality, Innovation and Adaptability

  • Quality of service and quality of training, whatever the field of activity.
  • The design of innovative teaching methods
  • Access to cutting-edge technical facilities
  • The creation of "training solutions" in the form of ad hoc courses, adapted to the constraints and culture of the company

  • Analysis of demand and the professional context
  • Analysis of professions and work situations
  • Identification of the activities to be carried out and the skills required
  • Formalisation of these analyses in job/skills reference frameworks
  • Advice and support for organisations and teams in developing professional practices
  • Advice to companies in drawing up training plans
  • Assessment of professional knowledge and skills prior to "training solutions": positioning tests and role-playing exercises
  • Assessment for the retraining or professional development of employees

Training system engineering

  • Design of individualised and modular courses...
  • Development of a variety of operational formats: intra-company, inter-company, ODL (open distance learning), alternating (training centre/company), on workstations...
  • Conseil en ingénierie financière au service de la qualité des prestations   En savoir + En savoir +
  • Defining strong partnerships with OPCOs and other training organisations for a comprehensive training response
  • Designing and conducting evaluation operations.
  • Training tutors and apprenticeship masters 

Educational engineering

  • A pedagogy of success: 89% success rate, all certifications combined
  • Pedagogical innovation:
    - e-greta, a digital platform for tailor-made learning   Learn moreFind out more
    - skill blocks: more flexible access to obtaining a diploma   Learn moreFind out more
  • Individualised training pathways with progressions adapted to each person
  • Involvement of professional training experts 
  • Assembly of diversified teaching learning tools: flipped classroom, quizzes, role-playing, work situations, performance co-assessment grids, etc.
  • Deployment of teaching tools and resources
  • Access to state-of-the-art equipment, enabling training to be given in real work situations that encourage the acquisition of professional gestures and techniques

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Réseau Formation Professionnelle
de l'Éducation nationale