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Educational innovation

e-Gret@, a digital platform for customised learning


The e-Gret@ platform is a tool available to both trainers and trainees. e-Gret@ makes it possible to develop learning methods using digital technology: flipped classroom, collaborative work, resources to go further, individualisation of training, etc. For trainees, the tool offers the possibility of responding as effectively as possible to individual needs and thus optimising the personalisation of courses. New blended training or support products are regularly produced by our teams of educational engineers: positioning tests, teaching modules...

The use of this platform is flexible and covers a range of different ways of using it: from the provision of free-access resources to complement face-to-face training to fully remote support.

The ongoing development of even more interactive features enhances a range of varied tools for learning that is as close as possible to the needs and profiles of users.

Blocks of skills: more flexible access to a diploma

How does it work?

A vocational diploma is made up of blocks of skills. They are based on groupings of activities relating to a profession.They are blocks of professional skills or blocks of general skills.Each block of skills gives rise to a diploma certificate unit. An attestation of blocks of skills is issued when the mark obtained for the certifying unit is greater than or equal to 10/20. The block of skills is acquired definitively. There is no time limit for passing the other certification units of the diploma in question.

What are the advantages and challenges?

Giving yourself time to obtain a diploma.As part of a lifelong learning approach, the acquisition of one or more blocks opens up the possibility of returning to training, even after several years, in order to take the remaining blocks with a view to acquiring the full certification. Attesting to the acquisition of skills in a specific field Smoothing and combining the routes to certification (training and/or experience validated by the VAE) and thus enabling a greater number of individuals to access a certification. The blocks of skills are eligible for the CPF (Personal Training Account).

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