At the end of their training, holders of the TP Constructeur bois will be able to:
- Carry out assembly or installation work on several timber construction lots: load-bearing timber structures, tiled roofs with roof windows, timber facade cladding, structures built with a view to energy performance: integrated or "external" thermal insulation, airtightness.
- Excluding installation work, manufacture wooden structural sub-assemblies on a semi-industrial basis: batch or small-series production, size sheets, semi-finished raw materials
- Manufacture wooden cladding and finishing pieces for wooden exterior cladding.
They will also have acquired the skill of working as part of a team by applying the instructions of a line manager, complying with individual and collective safety rules and ensuring first-level maintenance (tools and work environment).
They will effectively engage in professional communication with players from outside the company such as workers from other trades, suppliers, customer representatives or technical inspectors.
Certificat de Compétences Professionnelles 1 Manufacture wooden structural sub-assemblies in the workshop, either semi-industrially or in batches
- Cut out batches of parts from a wooden structure using cutting sheets and semi-finished products
- Assemble wooden structural sub-assemblies using manufacturing drawings and finished products
Certificate of Professional Competence 2Assembling a timber structure
- Positioning, stabilising and adjusting a timber structural subassembly
- Joining and anchoring timber structural subassemblies
Certificate of Professional Competence 3 Fit roof windows and a tiled roof with industrialised accessories and aberrations
- Fit a tiled roof with its industrialised accessories and without aberrations
- Fit roof windows and tiled roofing areas with industrialised aberrations
Certificate of Professional Competence 4 Make the exterior timber cladding and install the insulation and airtightness systems for a timber construction
- Lay the timber frame supporting the exterior timber cladding
- Treat the openings in a timber frame
- Lay the exterior cladding in wooden strips or panels on a facade
- Install the insulation and airtightness systems for a timber construction
>.Find out more about this qualification (RNCP35508, exact wording of the diploma, name of the certifier, registration date of the qualification) by clicking here.
Good representation of the job and the constraints associated with it: physical job with the constraint of frequent travel
8 people
Positioning upstream of entry to training.
Interviews, remediation with the educational referent and/or company referent during training.
Taking into account the satisfaction of beneficiaries during and at the end of training.
Possibility of post-training support.
For beneficiaries with disabilities: possible adaptation of training and certification methods, support by the GRETA-CFA TH referent.
Education Nationale certified teachers, Bac +3 trainers with significant experience in adult training, professional speakers.
Trainers experienced in individualising learning.
Professional portfolio
Tests at the end of the course (One-off assessment)
Interview with a professional jury
Positioning test by appointment.
Interview by appointment.
Pre-registration form to download
Present yourself with the liaison form from the prescriber (Mission locale, Pôle emploi...).
Integration into employment in :
- Carpenter helper
- Carpenter
- Timber carpenter fitter
- Timber chalet erector,
- Timber-frame house erector
- Timber structure erector
- Timber and composite structure erector
- Timber frame erector
- Industrial frame erector
- Traditional frame erector
- Truss erectorAccess for people with disabilities
Accessible to people with disabilitiesTransport
Getting to Digne les Bains by LER:
Lignes 22, 28, 33/37a, 33/37b
Getting around Digne:
- line 1: Novellini - A. David-Neel
- line 2
Satisfaction rate: 100%
Recommendation rate from former trainees: 100%
Success rate: 100%
GRETA-CFA Alpes Provence
GRETA-CFA Alpes Provence
Réseau Formation Professionnelle
de l'Éducation nationale