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 Vocational Training Certificate in Professional Integration (TP CIP)

This sandwich course is eligible for the CPF.
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from 22 Apr 2025 to 4 Mar 2026

To be able to work as a vocational integration adviser

- to promote the social and vocational integration of young people or adults experiencing difficulties with integration or retraining, by means of individualised responses. He/she takes into account the multiple dimensions of integration: employment, training, housing, health, mobility, access to rights....

- welcome a variety of publics: young people, jobseekers over 25, adults undergoing retraining or professional transition, employed or not, disabled workers, prison leavers to support them in building and implementing their social and professional integration pathway.

- to develop relationships with employers in its area of intervention, thereby contributing to the socio-economic mobilisation of the employment area in the service of integration.

- to participate in setting up and running projects that meet integration goals and are part of local development issues.

And to do this work in a variety of structures: local missions, PAIOs, accommodation and social reintegration centres, local economic integration plans, local authorities, integration associations and companies, training organisations, employment centres, etc.

CCP 1. Welcoming to analyse people's requests and lay the foundations for a shared diagnosis :

- Informing a person or group about inclusion resources and dematerialised services

- Analysing the person's request and laying the foundations for a shared diagnosis

- Exercising informational, technical and prospective monitoring to adapt its activity to the public and the context

- Work as part of a team, in a network and in a partnership framework to optimise the response to the needs of the people cared for

- Carry out administrative processing and professional writing related to the activity in a digital environment

CCP 2. Supporting people in their social and professional integration :

- Contractualise and monitor their professional integration pathway with the person

- Accompany a person in the development of their professional project

- Accompany the realisation of professional projects

- Design themed workshops promoting the professional integration of the public

- Prepare and run themed workshops promoting integration

- Analyse their professional practice

CCP 3. Implementing a range of services for employers to promote integration into the labour market:

- Using a project-based approach, canvassing local employers to promote integration into the labour market

- Providing technical support to employers with regard to recruitment

- Facilitating the integration and retention of employees in their professional environment

- Including its professional actions in a sustainable development approach

  • Professional qualification from the Ministry of Labour Level 5 (BTS)

Find out more about this qualification (RNCP37274, exact wording of the diploma, name of the certifier, registration date of the qualification) by clicking here.

Maximum total duration of 1,449 hours, including 385 hours on the job and 1,064 hours at the training centre.
The duration of the course is indicative and will be determined according to your profile.

  • All audiences

Level 4 (Baccalauréat). A first experience of professional integration is strongly recommended. Oral and written communication skills are required: listening, asking questions, reformulating and writing a report.

12 people

Teaching method
  • Mixed training
Teaching methods
  • Personalised course
  • Individual benefit
  • Group lessons
  • Combined face-to-face and distance learning
  • Resource centre
  • Room equipped with networked computer workstations
  • Unmarked room with video projector
Monitoring and individualisation

Positioning upstream of entry to training.

Interviews, remediation with the educational referent and/or company referent during training.

Taking into account the satisfaction of beneficiaries during and at the end of training.

Possibility of post-training support.

For beneficiaries with disabilities: possible adaptation of training and certification methods, support by the GRETA-CFA TH referent.

Expert trainers in integration and guidance, training work psychologists,

Job experts from different integration


Course evaluations (ECF)

Professional portfolio

Interview with a professional jury

Possibility of validating one or more blocks of skills

In the event of partial validation of the certification, the period of validity of the modules obtained is:

Total price including VAT: €13368.00
Hourly rate: €12.00 Hourly rate including VAT: €12.00
. This price is indicative and non-contractual. Depending on your status, this training course may be fully financed. Contact us.

Depending on the funding body, training is available between 15 and 45 days before the start of the course. Please contact us for further information.
  • to 27 mar 2025 09h00
           MAISON DE LA FORMATION - 7 avenue des Anémones 13120 GARDANNE
  • to 03 apr 2025 09h00
           MAISON DE LA FORMATION - 7 avenue des Anémones 13120 GARDANNE
From 22 Apr 2025 to 4 Mar 2026.
From 22 Apr 2025 to 4 Mar 2026.
Training available on

Work in companies in the occupational integration sectors

Access for people with disabilities

Accessible to people with disabilities

Success rate: 100%

Satisfaction rate: 100%

Job placement rate: 100%

Recommendation rate by our former trainees: 100%

GRETA-CFA Provence

Vocational Training Advisor
T. 06 62 03 31 10
T. 06 20 01 47 27
T. 06 12 72 32 11
Laetitia RUIZ
Disability Officer
T. 04 42 40 56 70

Maison de la formation
7 avenue des Anémones
13120 Gardanne
Accessible to people with disabilities.

GRETA-CFA Provence

Vocational Training Advisor
T. 06 62 03 31 10
T. 06 20 01 47 27
T. 06 12 72 32 11
Laetitia RUIZ
Disability Officer
T. 04 42 40 56 70
Maison de la formation
7 avenue des Anémones
13120 Gardanne
Accessible to people with disabilities.

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