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 Titre Professionnel (vocational training qualification)

This sandwich course is eligible for the CPF.
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from 22 September 2025 to 26 June 2026

Objectives and context of the certification:

The profession of structural team leader is based around two functions: one technical, geared towards the completion of work. The other is managerial, focusing on communication and leading the team.

In his technical role, the structural works team leader organises the day-to-day work he carries out with his team. He uses information from the work execution documents to plan the day's activity (setting out and building the structure) and quantify material requirements. Throughout the working day, the team leader checks that safety devices are in place and that the work is of good quality. At the end of the day, he fills in the daily report with the hours worked, the quantities consumed and the equipment used, and forwards it to his manager.

In his managerial role, the team leader passes on his hierarchy's instructions to the workers, giving details of each person's tasks and the deadline for completing the work. They make sure that instructions are understood, using appropriate technical language, and unite the workers in their quest for efficiency. He/she informs his/her superiors of any significant events of the day.

He/she constantly takes safety rules into account and applies a quality approach that includes the objectives of the ecological transition, which requires sustainable construction and renovation professionals to adopt a global approach for each trade. Most often working outdoors, subject to the weather and occasionally in a site office, their working hours are dictated by technical requirements and deadlines. The team leader is required to use digital and collaborative tools, as well as topographic and measuring equipment to lay out the structure. They frequently work with other external contractors. The job involves frequent travel and may involve being away from home for several days at a time. In some company organisations, working as a structural works team leader requires specific validation or accreditation.

Certified skills:

BC01: Carrying out structural work with your team
- Organising the daily work of the structural work team
- Carrying out the structural work entrusted to the team
- Recording the team's daily production

BC02: Leading your team on a building site
- Communicating with your team and your hierarchy
- Leading your team

Evaluation :

- 5-hour work placement, based on a file/case study

- 30' technical and 20'final interviews

  • Professional qualification from the Ministry of Labour Level 4 (Baccalauréat, BP, BT)

Find out more about this qualification (RNCP38746, exact wording of the diploma, name of the certifier, registration date of the qualification) by clicking here.

Maximum total duration of 1105 hours, including 650 hours in a company and 455 hours at the training centre.
The duration of the course is indicative and will be determined according to your profile.

  • All audiences

Bachelor's degree or equivalent experience.

Knowledge of structural work trades will be a plus.

Good listening and interpersonal skills will facilitate exchanges within the team and with your hierarchy.

Have an operational level of office automation in order to grasp the digital tools for managing and monitoring activity.

Good physical conditions to withstand the outdoor working environment

16 people

Teaching method
  • Fully classroom-based training
Teaching methods
  • In-company on-the-job training
  • Equipped technical platforms
Monitoring and individualisation

Positioning upstream of training entry.

Interviews, remediation with the educational referent and/or company referent during training.

Taking account of beneficiary satisfaction during and at the end of training.

Possibility of post-training support.

For beneficiaries with disabilities: possible adaptation of training and certification methods, support by the TH referent.

In order to improve the quality of our service, you can send us your suggestions or complaints using the form available on our website.

National Education certified teachers, Bac +3 trainers with significant experience in adult education, professional contributors.

Expert assessors in the observation and analysis of results (mastery of skills).

Experienced trainers in the individualisation of learning.

Course evaluations (ECF)

Professional portfolio

Interview with a professional jury

Possibility of validating one or more blocks of skills

In the event of partial validation of the certification, the period of validity of the modules obtained is : 5 years

Total price incl. VAT : 7735.00 €
Hourly rate incl. VAT : 17.00 Hourly rate including VAT: €17.00
. This price is indicative and non-contractual. Depending on your status, this course can be fully financed. Contact us.

Download pre-registration form

Positioning test by appointment.

Interview by appointment.

Training is available between 15 and 45 days before the start of the course, depending on the funding body. Please contact us.

Apprenticeship training: Training is accessible within a minimum of 48 hours subject to validation of your application and the position in the company (diploma compliance) and this until the end of the 1st month of the start of the action.

from 22 Sep 2025 to 26 Jun 2026
from 22 Sep 2025 to 26 Jun 2026
Training available on

To work in companies in the building sectors as a shell team leader, masonry team leader, line leader

Level IV/1 of the collective agreements for workers employed by building companies

Other specific organisational and environmental accreditations will complete the achievements.

Further study:Further training leading to level 5 (BTS, DUT):building and civil engineering works supervisor

Access for people with disabilities

Accessible to people with disabilities


Métro line 2 : Dromel Ste Marguerite
Bus N° 15S : St Loup Rose Bruny
On foot 3 min

Standard technical facilities, company contacts

1st training session, we have no Quality indicators.

GRETA-CFA Marseille Méditerranée

T. 04 91 10 07 21
Vocational Training Advisor
T. 04 91 96 35 30
Disability Officer
T. 04 91 10 07 24

Lycée des Métiers du bâtiment, des travaux publics et de la topographie René Caillié
173 boulevard Saint-Loup
13011 Marseille
Accessible to people with disabilities.

GRETA-CFA Marseille Méditerranée

T. 04 91 10 07 21
Vocational Training Advisor
T. 04 91 96 35 30
Disability Officer
T. 04 91 10 07 24
Lycée des Métiers du bâtiment, des travaux publics et de la topographie René Caillié
173 boulevard Saint-Loup
13011 Marseille
Accessible to people with disabilities.

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