Human Resources Assistant vocational qualification (TP ARH)
This sandwich course is eligible for the CPF.
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from 6 Oct 2025 to 17 Apr 2026
The main objectives of the course are to enable the future professional to:
Support the HR manager in applying the company's human resources policy and social management,
Take charge of administrative activities (monitoring individual files, mandatory declarations, responding to employee requests...), staff recruitment and monitoring the training plan.
Operational human resources management tasks
Administrative management of staff
Management of payroll variables and parameters
Implementation and monitoring of human resources indicators
Contributing to the development of human resources
. to the development of human resources
Contribute to operations relating to job and career management
Contribute to the staff recruitment and integration process
Contribute to the preparation and monitoring of staff skills development
Managing staff administration
Employment law
Role and operation of staff representative bodies
Rules concerning storage and archiving in social matters
Protecting personal data (CNIL and RGPD)
Managing payroll variables and parameters
Social regulations in force
Rules and procedures for presenting and distributing the payslip
Implementing and monitoring human resources indicators
HR function indicators and associated statistical calculations
Legal knowledge for drawing up HR management charts
Rules for the social balance sheet and the declaration of extra-performance declaration (DPEF)
Contributing to operations related to job and career management
The legislation and regulations in force in terms of job and career management
Personal data protection (CNIL and RGPD)
Contributing to the staff recruitment and integration process
The company's HR policy framework
The legal and contractual framework for hiring
Recruitment regulations
Interviewing techniques
Contributing to the preparation and monitoring of staff skills development
Legislation and regulations in force relating to continuing vocational training
Knowledge of continuing vocational training schemes and funding
Knowledge of BDES and DPEF
Knowledge of Quality of Life at Work (QWL)
Professional qualification from the Ministry of Labour
Level 5 (BTS)
Find out more about this qualification (RNCP35030, exact wording of the diploma, name of the certifier, registration date of the qualification) by clicking here.
Maximum total duration of 602 hours, including 140 hours in a company and 462 hours at the training centre.
The duration of the course is indicative and will be determined according to your profile.
All audiences
A minimum of 2 years' professional experience, variable according to the quality and scope of the responsibilities exercised, in the secretarial field in a company or association.
Baccalaureate level
12 people
Teaching method
Fully classroom-based training
Teaching methods
Personalised course
Group lessons
Resource centre
Room equipped with networked computer workstations
Unmarked room with video projector
Monitoring and individualisation
Positioning upstream of entry to training.
Interviews, remediation with the educational referent and/or company referent during training.
Taking into account the satisfaction of beneficiaries during and at the end of training.
Possibility of post-training support.
For beneficiaries with disabilities: possible adaptation of training and certification methods, support by the GRETA-CFA TH referent.
Trainers with experience in individualised learning.
Teachers certified by the French Education Nationale, Bac +3 trainers with significant experience in adult training, professional speakers.
In-training assessments (ECF)
Professional portfolio
End-of-training tests (One-off assessment)
Interview with a professional panel
In the event of partial validation of the certification, the period of validity of the modules obtained runs until the end date of validity of the Professional Qualification
Total price incl. VAT : 4620.00 € Hourly rate incl. VAT : 10.00 € Hourly rate incl. VAT : 10.00
Hourly rate including VAT: €10.00 .
This price is indicative and non-contractual. Depending on your status, this training course may be fully financed. Contact us.
Positioning test by appointment.
Interview by appointment.
Depending on the funding body, training is available between 15 and 45 days before the start of the course. Please contact us for further information.
to 29 apr 2025 09h00 AIX EN PROVENCE - AIX EN PROVENCE
On completion of the course you will be able to apply for jobs as an HR Assistant, Training Assistant, Recruitment Assistant, HR and Payroll Assistant, Human Resources Officer in all types of organisations such as private and public companies, recruitment agencies, temporary work agencies, associations and in all business sectors.
Access for people with disabilities
Accessible to people with disabilities .
- learning activities based as closely as possible on the conditions of professional practice. - a personalised pathway at the heart of a group learning system. - validation throughout the support pathway based on and programmed according to the progress made by each individual. - preparation for the final professional simulation test thanks to numerous professional micro or macro simulations.