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 Sales Assistant vocational qualification

This sandwich course is eligible for the CPF.
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from 31 Mar 2025 to 27 Mar 2026
from 22 Sep 2025 to 3 Jul 2026

By mobilising a customer-oriented attitude and a service posture and taking advantage of teamwork, the holder of the TP Sales Assistant will be able to:

- Contribute to the development of sales of goods and services on the French and international markets in a highly digitised environment

- Engage in commercial intelligence.

- In line with the company's strategic objectives, manage sales administration: process orders, settle disputes, update the "customer" database and maintain a continuous and dynamic relationship with them.

- Monitor supply chain operations, ensuring that the process runs smoothly: from production to delivery of products or services to the customer.

- Organise canvassing and sales campaigns with the sales teams, ensure that the public is welcomed and approached at sales events in both French and English.


Welcome : exploration of the profession, collection of professional testimonials, company organisation, training organisation, human and teaching resources, initiatives, role and posture of the learner, projects, group work, assessment,...

CCP1 Administering sales and monitoring the supply chain

Managing sales administration

Monitoring supply chain operations

Monitoring customer relations in French and English

Preventing and managing non-payments

CCP2 Contributing to the deployment of the company's sales strategy

Designing and publishing sales communication materials

Designing and updating sales dashboards

. commercial dashboards

Organising a sales action

Hosting a sales event in French and English

Digital skills

Maintaining agility in the use of digital information and communication tools and adapting to technological developments

In-company vocational training

Training and participation in the Professional Qualification session

  • Professional qualification from the Ministry of Labour Level 5 (BTS)

Find out more about this qualification (RNCP35031, exact wording of the diploma, name of the certifier, registration date of the qualification) by clicking here.

Maximum total duration of 520 hours, of which 1,180 hours in a company and 520 hours at the training centre.
The duration of the course is indicative and will be determined according to your profile.

  • All audiences

Have a good representation of the job, a taste for professional exchange, organisation and teamwork.

Have a good level of oral and written communication in French (baccalauréat level).

Have a good command, at least at user level, of digital tools facilitating and structuring communication.

A fairly good level of oral and written English and/or a second foreign language (CERCL level A2)


16 people

Teaching method
  • Mixed training
Teaching methods
  • Personalised course
  • Resource centre
  • Language laboratory
  • Room equipped with networked computer workstations
  • Unmarked room with video projector
Monitoring and individualisation

Positioning upstream of training entry.

Interviews, remediation with the educational referent and/or company referent during training.

Taking account of beneficiary satisfaction during and at the end of training.

Possibility of post-training support.

For beneficiaries with disabilities: possible adaptation of training and certification methods, support by the TH referent.

In order to improve the quality of our service, you can send us your suggestions or complaints using the form available on our website.

Education Nationale certified teachers, Bac +3 trainers with significant experience in adult training, professional speakers.

Trainers experienced in individualising learning.

Interview with a professional jury

Possibility of validating one or more skill blocks

Total price incl. VAT : 8320.00 €
Hourly rate incl. VAT : 16.00 Hourly rate including VAT: €16.00
. This price is indicative and non-contractual. Depending on your status, this training course may be fully financed. Contact us.

Positioning test by appointment. Contact Sandrine Ruiz on 07 68 63 59 80

Interview by appointment.

Training is available between 15 and 45 days before the start of your session, depending on the funder. Please contact us.

  • to 14 mar 2025 09h00
           Lycée Jacques Audiberti - 1 chemin du Tanit - Antibes
from 31 Mar 2025 to 27 Mar 2026.
from 31 Mar 2025 to 27 Mar 2026.
From 22 Sep 2025 to 3 Jul 2026.
From 22 Sep 2025 to 3 Jul 2026.
Training available on

The types of jobs available are as follows:
- Sales assistant
- Administrative and sales assistant
- "Supply Chain" sales assistant
- Sales and marketing administration assistant

Further study is possible at "Licence Professionnelle" level or in the 3rd year of a university Bachelor of Technology (BUT).

Access for people with disabilities

Accessible to people with disabilities
. premises accessible to people with reduced mobility


School catering - Snacks in the vicinity


Bus and Train

- learning activities based as closely as possible on the conditions of professional practice.

- a personalised course at the heart of a group learning system.

- validation throughout the support pathway articulated and programmed around each individual's progress.

- Active partnerships with companies in the business sector and help in finding work placements.

1st training session, we do not have Quality indicators.

Success rate GRETA CFA CA: 94%

Satisfaction rate GRETA CFA CA: 97%

Overall job integration rate: 71%


GRETA-CFA Côte d'Azur

Sandrine RUIZ
Vocational Training Advisor
T. 07 68 63 59 80
Céline MIR
T. 06 03 52 32 47
Manuella COLY
Disability Officer
T. 06 11 58 18 86

Lycée Jacques Audiberti
1 chemin du Tanit
06600 Antibes
Accessible to people with disabilities.

GRETA-CFA Côte d'Azur

Sandrine RUIZ
Vocational Training Advisor
T. 07 68 63 59 80
Céline MIR
T. 06 03 52 32 47
Manuella COLY
Disability Officer
T. 06 11 58 18 86
Lycée Jacques Audiberti
1 chemin du Tanit
06600 Antibes
Accessible to people with disabilities.

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