Professional qualification in secure infrastructure administration
This sandwich course is eligible for the CPF.
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from 6 Oct 2025 to 7 Jul 2028
The Secure Infrastructure Administrator (SIA) implements, administers and secures local and cloud-based IT infrastructures. He/she designs and puts into production solutions that meet development needs. They implement and optimise supervision systems.
Administering and securing infrastructures:
Applying best practice in administering infrastructures
Administering and securing network infrastructures
Administering and securing system infrastructures
Administering and securing virtualised infrastructures
Designing and implementing a solution in response to an upgrade requirement:
Design a technical solution in response to infrastructure upgrade requirements
Put infrastructure upgrades into production
Implement and optimise infrastructure supervision
Participate in cybersecurity management:
Participate in the measurement and analysis of the level of security of the infrastructure
Participate in the development and implementation of the security policy
Participate in the detection and handling of security incidents
Professional qualification from the Ministry of Labour
Find out more about this qualification (RNCP37680, exact wording of the diploma, name of the certifier, registration date of the qualification) by clicking here.
The duration of the course is indicative and will be determined according to your profile.
All audiences
This course is accessible to holders of one of the following qualifications:
Professional Baccalaureate (CIEL) or General Baccalaureate and equivalent or level 4 certification + 3 years' professional experience
Titre Professionnel technicien supérieur systèmes et réseaux (TSSR)
Graduate diploma (Bac+2) in IT such as BTS CIEL Option A informatique et réseaux (IR) or BTS SIO Option A solutions d'infrastructure, systèmes et réseaux (SISR)
Read and written English highly desirable
12 people
Teaching method
Fully classroom-based training
Teaching methods
In-company on-the-job training
Group lessons
Services provided face-to-face and/or remotely
Classroom examination
Equipped technical platforms
Room equipped with networked computer workstations
Unmarked room with video projector
Monitoring and individualisation
Positioning upstream of entry to the training course.
Interviews, remediation with the educational referent and/or company referent during the course.
Taking account of beneficiary satisfaction during and at the end of the training course.
For beneficiaries with disabilities: possible adaptation of training and certification arrangements, support from the TH referent.
Trainers with 3 years' higher education and significant experience in adult training, professional lecturers.
Tests at the end of the training (One-off assessment)
Professional portfolio
Professional project
Interview with a professional panel
Possibility of validating one or more skill blocks
In-course assessments (ECF)
Total price incl. VAT : 15000.00 € Hourly rate incl. VAT : 17.00
Hourly rate including VAT: €17.00 .
This price is indicative and non-contractual. Depending on your status, this training course may be fully financed. Contact us.
Positioning test by appointment.
Interview by appointment.
Apprenticeship training: Training is available within a minimum of 48 hours, subject to validation of your application and the position in the company (diploma compliance), until the end of the 1st month in which the action begins.
Contact us to register for a meeting.
from 6 Oct 2025 to 7 Jul 2028
from 6 Oct 2025 to 7 Jul 2028
Cette formation en alternance (en contrat d'apprentissage ou contrat de professionnalisation) peut être entièrement financée. Elle est ouverte également à d'autres publics et peut-être prise en charge par d'autres partenaires/financeurs. Nous contacter pour plus d'informations.
Cette formation en alternance (en contrat d'apprentissage ou contrat de professionnalisation) peut être entièrement financée. Elle est ouverte également à d'autres publics et peut-être prise en charge par d'autres partenaires/financeurs. Nous contacter pour plus d'informations.
Sectors of activity:
Digital services company (ESN)
All organisations or user companies of intermediate size and above in the private or public sector