UE5 Management of Information Systems
- Understanding IS strategy, taking part in ensuring that the IS is consistent with and aligned with the company's strategic objectives and providing operational governance of networks, applications and data linked to information systems
- Supporting the development, implementation, deployment, appropriation, compliance, maintenance, evaluation and evolution of an IS project throughout its lifecycle
- Understanding and supporting the deployment, performance, evaluation, functionalities, outsourcing and integration levels of enterprise systems
- Supporting the development of service contracts, strategies for optimising costs and deadlines and participate in updating indicators by proposing ways of improving and complying with standards, laws and regulations in force
- Participate in the choice, to the implementation and evolution of a technical and trust architecture aimed at combating the internal and external vulnerability of the IS and ensuring business continuity
- Participating in the preparation of documentation and the implementation of an IS audit, supporting management in the design and deployment of its digital transformation strategy
As part of the one-off examinations : written examination covering several professional situations (case studies or mini-files).
As part of the VAE: submission of a dossier presenting professional experience and skills related to the block of skills, followed by an audition of the candidate.
Find out more about this qualification (RNCP35044, exact wording of the diploma, name of the certifier, registration date of the qualification) by clicking here.
The Diplôme Supérieur de Comptabilité et de Gestion (DSCG) is assessed by 7 exams. It is awarded to candidates who have obtained an overall average of at least 10 out of 20 in all the tests, with no mark lower than 6 out of 20.
European credits (from 15 to 20 depending on the nature of the test) are associated with each test and are definitively acquired once the candidate has obtained a mark of at least 10 out of 20 in the test concerned. The Higher Diploma in Accountancy and Management confers the full number of European credits required for the diploma, i.e. 300 European credits worth the grade of Master II.
The tests for this diploma also include an optional modern language test.
The tests for this diploma also include an optional modern language test.The tests for this diploma also include an optional modern language test.The tests for this diploma also include an optional modern language test.20 people
Positioning upstream of entry to training.
For beneficiaries with disabilities: possible adaptation of training and certification arrangements, support from the Académie de Nice CFA disability referent.
Education Nationale certified teachers, Bac +3 trainers with significant experience in adult education, professional lecturers.
Tests at the end of training (One-off assessment)
.By application, after interview for holders of the D.C.G or a Master's degree (subject to conditions)
CV, covering letter and individual interview
Registration: cliquez ici
Entering working life or continuing your studies in the field, such as preparing for the DEC (Diplôme d'expertise comptable).
Access for people with disabilities
Accessible to people with disabilities- Learning dynamics built on professional simulations and group mobilisation
- Trainers' experience and expertise in the content and expectations of the diploma
Success rate: 75%
Satisfaction rate: 100%
Study continuation rate: 100%
Interruption rate during training: 33%
Overall employment integration rate: 0%
Termination rate for apprenticeship contracts signed: 33%
Réseau Formation Professionnelle
de l'Éducation nationale