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 Licence pro in industrial, production and energy systems maintenance

This sandwich course is eligible for the CPF.
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from 15 Sep 2025 to 14 Sep 2026

At the end of their training, holders of the vocational degree will be able to:

- Use applied mathematics and physics concepts and data acquisition software to observe and analyse the behaviour of systems

- Identify the constraints of integrating equipment into a production workstation

- Independently use current techniques in computer engineering and industrial production: mechanics, electricity, PLCs, networks, sensors, actuators

- Master maintenance methods and computer-assisted tools (CMMS

- Use theoretical and statistical tools to commit to suitable procedures

- Implement a maintenance strategy

- Situate oneself in a socio-professional and intercultural environment, both national and international, in order to adapt and take initiatives

- Identify the process of producing, disseminating and exploiting knowledge.

- Work in a team and network, respect the principles of ethics, deontology, responsibility.

- Respect the principles of ethics, deontology and environmental responsibility

- Analyse and synthesise data with a view to its use

- Develop an argument with a critical mind

- Use the different registers of written and oral expression of the French language with ease

- Communicate orally and in writing, clearly and unambiguously, in French and in at least one foreign language

  • Assembling and installing industrial or operating equipment components or sub-assemblies in accordance with the machine files, documentation, etc.
  • Making adjustments to industrial or operating equipment and checking its operation
  • Locating faults on production or operating equipment and determining technical solutions and conditions for restoring the equipment to working order
  • Identifying, repairing or replacing faulty components and system elements
  • Modifying or adapting equipment according to production requirements or regulatory changes
  • Bringing it into working order (reference condition, safety, environment, ....)
  • Drawing up and updating ranges and procedures for maintenance work
  • Supervising the compliance of work and the operation of equipment, materials and facilities
  • Analysing maintenance data and malfunctions (history, breakdowns, etc.), diagnosing causes and determining the most appropriate action to take.), diagnosing causes and determining corrective action
  • Identifying technical solutions for improving equipment and facilities
  • Drawing up maintenance reports, identifying and recommending changes and improvements
  • Advice and technical support for departments and customers
  • .
    • Professional degree

    Find out more about this qualification (RNCP30088, exact wording of the diploma, name of the certifier, registration date of the qualification) by clicking here.

    Maximum total duration of 518 hours
    The duration of the course is indicative and will be determined according to your profile.

    • All audiences

    Industrial BTS, DUT or Titre Professionnel (Level 5 qualification)

    Good understanding of the job

    Supervisory skills and a taste for teamwork


    Teaching method
    • Fully classroom-based training
    Teaching methods
    • Group lessons
    • Equipped technical platforms
    • Room equipped with networked computer workstations
    Monitoring and individualisation

    Positioning prior to entry into training.

    Interviews, remediation with the educational referent and/or company referent during training.

    Taking into account beneficiary satisfaction during and at the end of training.

    For beneficiaries with disabilities: possible adaptation of training and certification methods, support by the TH referent.

    In order to improve the quality of our service, you can send us your suggestions or complaints using the form available on our website.

    Education Nationale certified teachers, Bac +3 trainers with significant experience in adult education, professional lecturers.

    Continuous assessment - Written/Oral assessment - Defense before a jury.

    Diploma awarded subject to obtaining a weighted overall average of 10/20 and obtaining an average of 10/20 in the tutored project and activity report.

    Hourly rate incl. VAT: €17.00
    . This price is indicative and non-contractual. Depending on your status, this course may be fully financed. Contact us.

    Pre-registration form to be requested by e-mail Placement test and interview by appointment.

    Apprenticeship training: Training is available within a minimum of 48 hours, subject to validation of your application and the position in the company (diploma compliance), until the end of the 1st month in which the action begins.

    from 15 Sep 2025 to 14 Sep 2026
    from 15 Sep 2025 to 14 Sep 2026

    Insertion into employment in the manufacturing industries, companies supporting the extractive industries or energy production/distribution.

    or continuation of studies at Master's level in the field of Fundamental Industrial Technologies (industrial engineering and transformation processes, specialities with a functional focus)

    Access for people with disabilities

    Accessible to people with disabilities


    Access by train:

    Nearby SNCF train station - Aix-en-Provence TGV station + regular shuttles to the bus station.

    Access by road:

    A7 motorway, towards Aix exit N°29

    A8 motorway, towards Aix exit N°30

    1st training session, we have no Quality indicators.

    GRETA-CFA Provence

    Emilie BENAYCH
    Corporate Relations Officer
    T. 06 14 80 04 93
    Anne-Christine LACOUR
    Vocational Training Advisor
    T. 06 34 90 74 17
    Laetitia RUIZ
    Disability Officer
    T. 04 42 40 56 70

    Lycée Vauvenargues
    60 Boulevard Carnot
    13100 Aix-en-Provence
    Accessible to people with disabilities.

    GRETA-CFA Provence

    Emilie BENAYCH
    Corporate Relations Officer
    T. 06 14 80 04 93
    Anne-Christine LACOUR
    Vocational Training Advisor
    T. 06 34 90 74 17
    Laetitia RUIZ
    Disability Officer
    T. 04 42 40 56 70
    Lycée Vauvenargues
    60 Boulevard Carnot
    13100 Aix-en-Provence
    Accessible to people with disabilities.

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