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This is a sandwich course.
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from 28 Apr 2025 to 23 Sep 2025

- Know the components of heat pumps

- Understand how different types of heat pump work

- Organise and plan a work site

- Install, commission and maintain a heat pump

- Diagnose and resolve a malfunction

- Know and understand the concepts of sustainable development in construction

The heat pump installer-maintainer implements, fine-tunes and maintains all types of heat pumps in new-build or renovation projects.


- Operating principles of a heat pump and thermodynamics

The different types of heat pumps

- Thermodynamics

Pressure, temperature, change of state

- Preparation for the Cat 1 refrigerant fluids handling certificate

Main topics listed for category 1 in the order of 29 February 2016)

- Fluids assessment session

- Preparing and organising your work

Sizing and selection

- Carrying out the installation and adjusting

Setting up the equipment and electrical and fluid connections

- Troubleshooting : diagnose and repair

Leak checks: direct and indirect method

Refrigerant charging and recovery

Environmental management requirements and procedures, storage and transport of contaminated refrigerants and oils

Good practice in brazing copper piping used in refrigeration installations

Presentation of assessment procedures

Preparation of the theoretical assessment (digital questionnaire) based on the manual "Le technicien du Froid" + group and individual training sessions

Preparation of the practical assessment on a technical platform based on case studies

-. Understanding sustainable development in order to take action

The pillars of sustainable development, the notion of ecological footprint and the reasons for global warming

- Standards and regulations specific to construction

Airtightness, renewable energies


Basic skills are essential for implementing new working methods such as understanding systems and solving problems. It is a body of knowledge that fosters autonomy, versatility and flexibility in a variety of contexts. It is also an essential prerequisite for the use of technology and technical training. This skills base is therefore necessary to ensure that every individual has the right conditions for personal fulfilment, active citizenship, social and cultural integration and professional inclusion.


Mastering job search tools and enhancing one's profile

Organising "job dating" at the end of the course

  • Certification of prior learning
Total maximum duration of 632 hours, including 105 hours in a company and 527 hours at the training centre.
The duration of the course is indicative and will be determined according to your profile.

  • All audiences

A sufficient command of the written and spoken French language is mandatory, this in order to understand the instructions (oral and/or written) which are intended for the candidate and to find in the technical and safety documentation the information which may be necessary

Mastery of the basics of the computer environment for drafting the professional file

Knowledge of thermal or electrical installation or professional experience in the field

Health status compatible with the activity

Strong motivation.

12 people

Teaching method
  • Fully classroom-based training
Teaching methods
  • Group lessons
  • Equipped technical platforms
  • Room equipped with networked computer workstations
  • Unmarked room with video projector
Monitoring and individualisation

Positioning prior to entry into training.

Interviews, remediation with the educational referent and/or company referent during training.

Taking into account beneficiary satisfaction during and at the end of training.

For beneficiaries with disabilities: possible adaptation of training and certification methods, support by the TH referent.

In order to improve the quality of our service, you can send us your suggestions or complaints using the form available on our website.

Education Nationale certified teachers, Bac +3 trainers with significant experience in adult training, professional speakers.

Trainers experienced in individualising learning.

"Aptitude à la manipulation des fluides frigorigènes CAT 1"

Total price incl. VAT: €10276.00
Hourly rate incl. VAT: €19.50 Hourly rate including VAT: €19.50
. This price is indicative and non-contractual. Depending on your status, this course may be fully financed. Contact us.

Present yourself with the liaison form from the prescriber (Mission locale, Pôle emploi...).

Positioning test by appointment.

Training is available between 14 and 45 days before the start of the course, depending on the funding body. Please contact us.

  • to 19 mar 2025 09h00
           Les Ateliers du GRETA - 117 avenue Marcel Berre 83500 LA SEYNE SUR MER
from 28 Apr 2025 to 23 Sep 2025
from 28 Apr 2025 to 23 Sep 2025

To work as an installer-maintainer in the fields of plumbing/heating, electricity/regulation.

Access for people with disabilities

Accessible to people with disabilities

As the building is not accessible to people with reduced mobility, it is possible to take the course in another public National Education establishment. Contact us for more information.


Friendly space and snack bar nearby



Added value of the establishment: - High-speed Internet connection - Car park in front of the facility - Equipped room dedicated to training - Equipped social room dedicated to trainees

First training session, we do not have Quality indicators.

GRETA du Var

Patricia TRANSON
Vocational Training Advisor
T. 06 12 39 24 96
Disability Officer
T. 06 40 16 36 60

Les Ateliers du Greta du Var
117 avenue marcel berre
zi camps laurent
83500 La Seyne sur Mer
Accessible to people with disabilities.

GRETA du Var

Patricia TRANSON
Vocational Training Advisor
T. 06 12 39 24 96
Disability Officer
T. 06 40 16 36 60
Les Ateliers du Greta du Var
117 avenue marcel berre
zi camps laurent
83500 La Seyne sur Mer
Accessible to people with disabilities.

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Réseau Formation Professionnelle
de l'Éducation nationale