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 CQP Medical Assistant

This sandwich course is eligible for the CPF.
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Weekly start-up

At the end of his/her training, the holder of the CQP Medical Assistant will be able to assist a private practitioner, general practitioner or specialist in the management of patient pathways and files and in actions linked to the preparation and conduct of the consultation:

  • receiving and taking charge of patients,
  • coordinating the planning of department activities,
  • processing and monitoring administrative files,
  • coordinating operations related to patient pathways.
  • by managing the risk of contamination and implementing health safety procedures
  • by preparing patients for medical examinations and assisting the practitioner during these examinations
  • by mastering communication and information sharing tools as well as software packages specific to the activity

The medical assistant carries out his/her activity in a medical practice under the authority of a practitioner in compliance with the procedures and regulations in force, within the strict scope of his/her initiatives and using terminology and techniques specific to the sector.

Regulatory elements relating to the legislative and regulatory framework for the profession of medical assistant

  • Arrêté du 14 août 2019 portant approbation de l'avenant n° 7 à la convention nationale
  • LOI n° 2019-774 of 24 July 2019 relating to the organisation and transformation of the healthcare system
  • The order of 7 November 2019 relating to the exercise of the activity of medical assistant was published in the Journal Officiel on 13 November 2019 ( FAE).

Skills block 1 | Patient health pathway monitoring

  • Presenting patients with the examinations and routine care carried out by the practitioner in accordance with the rules of professional ethics and the strict scope of his/her responsibilities
  • Monitoring the protocols prescribed by the practitioner, initiating the monitoring of health care pathways and explaining this to patients
  • Checking the validity of vaccinations, carrying out the periodic examinations prescribed
  • Informing patients by strictly following the doctor's instructions
  • Relaying national prevention campaigns

Skills block 2 | Reception and administrative management of patients

  • Creating and updating a patient file (medical and administrative)

    • . update a patient file (medical and administrative)
    • Master the medical lexicon relating to the most common pathologies and practices
    • Use the advanced functions of medical software
    • Apply the fundamentals of communication in dealing with patients (managing difficult situations....)
    • Organising a teleconsultation
    • Mastering the regulatory bases of telemedicine

    Skills block 3 | Hygiene and quality

    • Applying sterilisation protocols, disinfection and waste management protocols
    • Master identity, vigilance and pharmacovigilance procedures
    • .vigilance and pharmacovigilance

    Skills block 4 | Operational assistance to the practitioner

    • Identifying and taking charge of vital emergencies (first aid gestures)
    • Measuring vital and physiological physiological parameters
    • Manage a medical practice's stock of medical equipment and pharmaceutical products
    • Organise the material conditions enabling the practitioner to carry out care
    • Put patients at ease and prepare for the consultation with the doctor.

  • Certificate of professional qualification (CQP) Level 4 (Baccalauréat, BP, BT)
  • AFGSU - Attestation de formation aux gestes et soins d'urgence - level 1

Find out more about this qualification (RNCP36358, exact wording of the diploma, name of the certifier, registration date of the qualification) by clicking here.

Maximum total duration of 279 hours
The duration of the course is indicative and will be determined according to your profile.

  • All audiences

  • Level 4 for young people leaving initial training
  • Validated level 4 certification in medical secretarial work, or non-validated on condition of 1 year's professional experience as a medical secretary
  • Title of dental assistant (validated level 4)
  • People with a nursing auxiliary, childcare auxiliary or nursing diploma are authorised to work as a medical assistant.Medical assistants who do not hold the CQP are required to undergo job adaptation training (FAE) in the field of organisation and administrative management of a medical practice within three years of taking up their duties (Order of 7 November 2019 relating to the exercise of the function of medical assistant). The three categories of professions listed in the Order of 7 November 2019 are not eligible for exemptions.

14 people

Teaching method
  • Fully classroom-based training
Teaching methods
  • Personalised course
  • Group lessons
  • Equipped technical platforms
  • Room equipped with networked computer workstations
  • Plateforme Learning Management System
  • Unmarked room with video projector
Monitoring and individualisation

Positioning prior to entry into training.

Interviews, remediation with the educational referent and/or company referent during training.

Taking into account beneficiary satisfaction during and at the end of training.

For beneficiaries with disabilities: possible adaptation of training and certification methods, support by the TH referent.

In order to improve the quality of our service, you can send us your suggestions or complaints using the form available on our website.

Education Nationale certified teachers, Bac +3 trainers with significant experience in adult training, professional speakers.

Trainers experienced in individualising learning.

The CQP Medical Assistant is awarded by the CPNEFP for medical practices: cliquez ici

Validation of all the skill blocks is required in order to obtain certification. It is necessary to hold the certificate of training in emergency gestures and care (AFGSU Level I)

In the event of partial validation of the certification, the validity of the modules obtained is permanent.

Assessments during training.

Skill block 1 - Follow-up of the patient's health pathway: oral case studies and written case studies according to the skills assessed

Skill block 2 - Reception and administrative management of patients: oral and written professional case studies according to the skills assessed

Skill block 3 - Management of contaminant risk and health safety procedures: written case studies, oral practical cases, short open response type questionnaire, written work situations according to the skills assessed

Skill block 4 - Operational assistance to the practitioner: oral and written work situations according to the skills assessed

In accordance with the order of 7 November 2019 relating to the practice of the activity of medical assistant, nurses, healthcare assistants and nursery auxiliaries have the option of taking only part of the training linked to the organisation and administrative management of a medical practice. In this case, a training certificate is issued.

Total price including VAT : 5580.00 €
Hourly rate : 20.00 €
Hourly rate : 20.00 Hourly rate including VAT: €20.00
. This price is indicative and non-contractual. Depending on your status, this training course may be fully financed. Contact us.

Positioning on file:

The aim of positioning is to define the skills held by candidates in order to develop personalised pathways. It is established after candidates have been selected. Applicants may be offered exemptions from training modules. Positioning involves exemptions from the training programme. The exemption exempts candidates from the training time relating to one or more training modules as well as from the corresponding validation tests.

Creation and follow-up of a patient file module and Medical vocabulary module: Exemption for holders of a medical secretarial certificate (including the UNAPL technical secretary health company option title).

Medical software module:Exemption for medical secretaries with 1 year's experience

Patient communication module: Exemption for holders of a medical secretarial qualification (including the UNAPL technical secretary qualification for healthcare companies option) + 1 year's experience as a medical secretary

Module Contaminant risk management : Exemption for holders of the title of Dental Assistant and the CQP Dental Assistant

AFGSU level 1: Exemption on presentation of the AFGSU certificate valid on the day of the examination

Stock management: Exemption for holders of the title of Dental Assistant and the CQP Dental Assistant.e dentaire et du CQP Aide dentaire

Parcours individualisé : Durée de 195 h à 279 h

Particpation à une réunion d'inforamtion ou entretien sur rendez-vous.

La formation est accessible dans un délai compris en 15 et 45 jours avant l'démarrage de la formation selon les financeurs. Please contact us.

The duration of training for staff whose employer has a contract with the CPAM is 2 years

Training is available between 15 and 45 days before the start of the course, depending on the funding body. Please contact us.

Weekly start-up
Weekly start-up

Integration into employment in the position of:

  • Medical assistant

to work in a medical practice under the authority of a general practitioner or specialist


Access for people with disabilities

Accessible to people with disabilities
. lifts, inclined surfaces .


school restaurant and cafeteria only during school holidays. There are other restaurants nearby.


Regular bus services to the Lycée and the "TED BUS" line on request. Nearby car park

1st training session, we do not have Quality indicators.

For 2023:

GRETA du Var Satisfaction: 94.94%

GRETA du Var Success: 93.39%

GRETA du Var Overall integration into employment: 62.86%

"The CQP Medical Assistant partially corresponds to the following training courses: medical secretary, medical and medico-social secretary, dental assistant: cliquez ici

GRETA du Var

Cyrille KLIS
Vocational Training Advisor
T. 04 94 84 02 26
Nathalie DELOGE
T. 06 86 98 24 99
Véronique DELHOMME
Disability Officer
T. 04 94 84 02 26

Lycée Professionnel Léon Blum
1111, Boulevard Léon Blum
83011 Draguignan
Accessible to people with disabilities.

GRETA du Var

Cyrille KLIS
Vocational Training Advisor
T. 04 94 84 02 26
Nathalie DELOGE
T. 06 86 98 24 99
Véronique DELHOMME
Disability Officer
T. 04 94 84 02 26
Lycée Professionnel Léon Blum
1111, Boulevard Léon Blum
83011 Draguignan
Accessible to people with disabilities.

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