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 CAP - Painter and Coating Applicator

This sandwich course is eligible for the CPF.
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from 1 September 2025 to 30 June 2027

Acquire the theoretical and practical foundations to carry out routine paint finishing and coating application work, carried out from general guidelines and under spot control.

The holder of this CAP is required to organise his or her workstation, apply paint (preparatory and priming work, tinting, application of paints) and decorative products, take part in setting up colour harmonies, lay wallpaper and glued wall and floor coverings, and work on facades.

The painter-coverings applicator is a professional worker employed by companies in the building finishing sector on renovation or sometimes new construction sites. He works alone or as part of a team, depending on the size of the site.

BC01 - Study and preparation for a job

- Complete and forward documents
- Decode a technical file
- Choose equipment and tools

BC02 - Carry out and check routine work

- Determine the supplies required for the job
- Organise the job
- Make the job safe
- Receive supplies of equipment and materials
- Assemble, dismantle and use scaffolding
- Carry out painting work
- Lay wall coverings
- Carry out facade work
- Check the condition of supports
- Carry out implementation checks
- Check the conformity of work carried out

BC03 - Carry out specific work

-. Exchanging and reporting orally
- Laying floor coverings

BC04 - French and History-Geography - Moral and civic education

BC05 - Mathematics and physics-chemistry

BC06 - Physical and sports education (for apprentices)

BC07 - English

NB: General education modules may be waived under certain conditions.

  • Diploma from the Ministry of National Education and Youth Level 3 (CAP)

Find out more about this qualification (RNCP39036, exact wording of the diploma, name of the certifier, registration date of the qualification) by clicking here.

Maximum total duration of 3,640 hours, including 2,840 hours in a company and 800 hours at the training centre.
The duration of the course is indicative and will be determined according to your profile.

  • All audiences

College 3ème level or two years' experience.

2 people

Teaching method
  • Fully classroom-based training
Teaching methods
  • Personalised course
  • Group lessons
  • Classroom examination
  • Equipped technical platforms
  • Room equipped with networked computer workstations
  • Unmarked room with video projector
Monitoring and individualisation

Positioning prior to entry into training.

Interviews, remediation with the educational referent and/or company referent during training.

Taking into account beneficiary satisfaction during and at the end of training.

For beneficiaries with disabilities: possible adaptation of training and certification methods, support by the TH referent.

In order to improve the quality of our service, you can send us your suggestions or complaints using the form available on our website.

Education Nationale certified teachers, Bac +3 trainers with significant experience in adult education, professional lecturers.

Tests at the end of training (one-off assessment)

In-course assessment (CCF)

Total price incl. VAT : 10400.00 €
Hourly rate : 13.00 Hourly rate including VAT: €13.00
. This price is indicative and non-contractual. Depending on your status, this training course may be fully financed. Contact us.

Positioning test by appointment.

Interview by appointment.

Training is available between 15 and 45 days before the start of the course, depending on the funding body. Please contact us.

from 1 Sep 2025 to 30 June 2027.
from 1 Sep 2025 to 30 June 2027.

Working as a coatings painter-applicator, house painter, interior coatings fitter, floor layer-moquet maker, façade builder in all types of companies and local authorities, mainly craft businesses.

Access for people with disabilities

Accessible to people with disabilities


Métro line 2 : Dromel Ste Marguerite
Bus N° 15S : St Loup Rose Bruny
On foot 3 min

These apprenticeship contract places are integrated into a class that comes under initial training (made up of pupils with school status) and are subject to enrolment at the lycée.

1st training session, we do not have Quality indicators.

GRETA-CFA Marseille Méditerranée

Emmanuelle CAUVIN
Disability Officer
T. 07 60 66 63 31
Mathilde BORG
T. 04 91 13 39 18

Lycée des Métiers du bâtiment, des travaux publics et de la topographie René Caillié
173 boulevard Saint-Loup
13011 Marseille
Accessible to people with disabilities.

GRETA-CFA Marseille Méditerranée

Emmanuelle CAUVIN
Disability Officer
T. 07 60 66 63 31
Mathilde BORG
T. 04 91 13 39 18
Lycée des Métiers du bâtiment, des travaux publics et de la topographie René Caillié
173 boulevard Saint-Loup
13011 Marseille
Accessible to people with disabilities.

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