The holder of the CAP electrician works as an electrician to carry out, both inside and outside buildings, electrical installation work intended for lighting, heating, signalling and powering machinery.
He sets up electrical installations, ensures they are commissioned and carries out breakdown and maintenance work.
In his work, he masters the normative and regulatory aspects specific to electrical installations, the safety of people and property, and understands the relational aspects, energy efficiency, environmental protection and sustainable development.
They work, under the responsibility of a works manager, on installations in individual or collective housing, industrial buildings, office blocks, distribution networks...
They may also work in the transport, distribution, electrical equipment and installation sectors.
BC01 - Carrying out an installation
BC02 - Commissioning an installation
BC03 - Maintaining an installation
BC04 - French and History-geography-moral and civic education
BC05 - Mathematics and physics - chemistry
BC06 - Physical education and sport (for apprentices)
BC07 - Prevention - health - environment
BC08 - English
Find out more about this qualification (RNCP38401, exact wording of the diploma, name of the certifier, registration date of the qualification) by clicking here.
Level 3ème or equivalent experience.
12 people
Positioning upstream of entry to the training course.
Interviews, remediation with the educational referent and/or company referent during the course.
Taking account of beneficiary satisfaction during and at the end of the training course.
For beneficiaries with disabilities: possible adaptation of training and certification arrangements, support by the GRETA-CFA TH referent.
Education Nationale certified teachers, Bac +3 trainers with significant experience in adult education, professional lecturers.
Contrôle en cours de formation (CCF)
Possibility of validating one or more blocks of skills
In the event of partial validation of the certification, the period of validity of the modules obtained is : 5 years
Positioning test and interview by appointment.
Exercise the professions of electrician, electrical fitter, home automation fitter, fibre optic, network, copper cable installer, electrical fitter, panel builder
The CAP allows rapid professional integration but it is possible, under certain conditions, to continue studies in 1 year with a complementary mention (MC) or in 2 years in BAC PRO, BP or with the diploma of fitter technician in electrical networks.
Access for people with disabilities
Accessible to people with disabilities(Rate calculated on those leaving the course)
* Reference period 01/09/2023 to 30/07/2024, calculated on the number of responses obtained
Openings: Working as an electrician installer, cable fitter, electrical technicianGRETA CFA Vaucluse | Avignon | Facebook
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GRETA-CFA Vaucluse
Réseau Formation Professionnelle
de l'Éducation nationale