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 BTS Medical Biology

This sandwich course is eligible for the CPF.
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from 1 September 2025 to 30 June 2027

At the end of the course, the holder of the BTS Medical Biology is able to:

- Plan his/her activity in the laboratory

- Manage stocks of consumable materials and reactive products

    - Carry out routine maintenance of equipment

    - Managing stocks of therapeutic biological products and biological samples

    - Participating in the accreditation or certification process for activities

    - Analysing occupational risks according to the examinations

    - Preparing workstations and equipment

    -. Implementing internal quality controls

    - Performing pre-analytical processing of samples and anatomical parts

    - Performing biological analyses

    - Technically validating analysis results

    - Issuing labile blood products in compliance with current regulations

    - Implementing laboratory techniques in the context of medically assisted procreation

    - Participating in the development of a technique new to the laboratory

    - Contributing to the validation of a medical analysis method

    - Comparing an innovative method with a reference method

    - Cooperating within a multi-professional team

    - Training peers or trainees at the workstation

    - Communicating personal health data

    - Developing professionally

    - Study information relating to a biological sample

    - Welcome and take charge of the person to be sampled

    - Prepare the sample in accordance with the prescription

    - Perform the sample in simulated practice in accordance with current practices

    - Follow up the sample and associated documents in compliance with regulations

    - Check the metrological compliance of equipment


    BC01-  Implement a quality approach and operational organisation within the medical biology laboratory

     - Ensure the operation of the medical biology laboratory's equipment and materials
    - Manage stocks and organise activity in accordance with Health Safety Environment rules
    - Implement the continuous improvement process as part of the quality approach 

    BC02-  Carry out the most common medical analyses

    - Make the medical biology laboratory workstation operational on a daily basis
    - Implement the operations prior to sample analysis
    - Carry out a medical biology analysis using manual techniques
    - Conduct a medical biology analysis using automated techniques
    - Process the results of controls and samples with a view to technical validation 

     BC03 - Improve medical biology analysis methods and implement therapeutic practices

    - Analyse an operating procedure with a view to adapting a manual or automated method to the medical biology laboratory
    - Participate in the accreditation process as part of a verification or validation of a method
    - Identify the therapeutic blood fraction to be delivered

    - Select reproductive cells with a view to medically assisted procreation 

     BC04 - Ensure professional relations, collaboration and development

    - Communicate in a context of interprofessional relations
    - Cooperate and train within the scope of his/her area of expertise
    - Master the methods and tools of communication in compliance with the rules of professional secrecy and digital security
    - Carry out a documentary watch in English and French
    - Develop his/her professional practice

    - Appropriate digital health skills 

     BC05 - Prepare for the implementation of blood and other biological samples and carry them out in simulated practice 

    - Analyse the information required to perform a biological sample
    - Interact with the person taken in a biological sample situation
    - Perform a biological sample in simulated practice
    - Identify a particular situation and an emergency situation 

    General teaching: General culture and expression, English, Mathematics, Physics-chemistry

    • Diploma from the Ministry of Higher Education and Research Level 5 (BTS)

    Find out more about this qualification (RNCP40027, exact wording of the diploma, name of the certifier, registration date of the qualification) by clicking here.

    Maximum total duration of 1,350 hours
    The duration of the course is indicative and will be determined according to your profile.

    • All audiences

    Bac technologique (STL) ou général ou professionnel ou niveau IV et 3 ans d'expérience professionnelle.

    2 people

    Teaching method
    • Fully classroom-based training
    Teaching methods
    • Group lessons
    • Equipped technical platforms
    • Room equipped with networked computer workstations
    • Unmarked room with video projector
    Monitoring and individualisation

    Positioning upstream of entry to the training course.

    Interviews, remediation with the educational referent and/or the company referent during the course.

    Acknowledgement of beneficiary satisfaction during and at the end of the training course.

    For beneficiaries with disabilities: possible adaptation of training and certification methods, support from the Nice Académie CFA TH referent.

    Education Nationale certified teachers, Bac +3 trainers with significant experience in adult education, professional lecturers.

    In-course assessment (CCF)

    Tests at the end of training (One-off assessment)

    Total price incl. VAT: €16176.00
    This price list is for information only. This price is indicative and non-contractual. Depending on your status, this course may be fully financed. Contact us.

    Vœux sur Parcoursup

    Register by following the link: cliquez ici

    Depending on the funding body, training is available between 15 and 45 days before the start of the course. Please contact us for further information.
    from 1 Sep 2025 to 30 June 2027.
    from 1 Sep 2025 to 30 June 2027.

    The holder of the "Medical Biology" advanced technician's certificate exercises the regulated profession of medical laboratory technician (MLT).

    He/she works in the following public or private structures:

    • hospital medical biology laboratories
    • "city" medical biology laboratories
    • sampling sites
    • reproductive biology laboratories
    • pathological anatomy and cytology pathology laboratories
    • French blood establishment laboratories
    • Cancer centre laboratories
    • Diagnostic and therapeutic research and development laboratories

    It also carries out off-site biology.

    The aim of the BTS is professional integration but, with a very good record, further study is possible in a professional degree (in the agri-food or pharmaceutical industries, for example), a general degree in biology or chemistry, or an ATS preparatory class.

    Access for people with disabilities

    Accessible to people with disabilities

    Disability referent Sami Neffati


    School catering, cafeteria


    New training 2023


    Sami NEFFATI
    Vocational Training Advisor
    Disability Officer
    T. 06 82 68 61 20

    CFA - Lycée Costebelle
    150 bd Félix Descroix
    83400 Hyères
    Accessible to people with disabilities.


    Sami NEFFATI
    Vocational Training Advisor
    Disability Officer
    T. 06 82 68 61 20
    CFA - Lycée Costebelle
    150 bd Félix Descroix
    83400 Hyères
    Accessible to people with disabilities.

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