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 BAC PRO Commerce and Sales Professions - Option B Customer Prospecting and Promotion of the Commercial Offer

This sandwich course is eligible for the CPF.
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from 4 September 2023 to 30 June 2026
from 2 September 2024 to 30 June 2027
from 1 September 2025 to 30 June 2028

At the end of their training, the professional will be able to welcome, advise on and sell products and associated services, contribute to the follow-up of sales, participate in building customer loyalty and developing customer relations.

In this context, they will implement prospecting techniques as well as relational and sales techniques while developing and exploiting their customer portfolio in compliance with company policy. He/she must adopt behaviour and attitudes in line with the diversity of relational contexts, in compliance with the rules of confidentiality and professional ethics.

He will then be able to respond to the requirements linked to heightened competition between companies to win over an increasingly versatile customer base and to the more demanding expectations of a better informed and more responsive customer base.

BC01 - Advise and sell

- ensure sales intelligence

- carry out the sale in an "omnichannel" dynamic

- ensure the execution of the sale

BC02 - Follow up sales

- ensure the follow-up of the order for the product or service

- deal with customer appeals and complaints

- ensure customer satisfaction

BC03 - Building customer loyalty and developing customer relations

- processing and exploiting customer information or contact

- contributing to and evaluating actions to build customer loyalty and develop customer relations

BC05 - Prospecting and developing the commercial offer

- researching and analysing information for exploitation purposes

- participating in the design of a prospecting action, implement it follow it up and evaluate it

- promote products and services

BC06 - Prevention - Health - Environment

BC07 - Economics-Law

BC08 - Mathematics

BC09 - Modern language 1

BC10 - Modern language 2

BC11 - French

BC12 - History-Geography and moral and civic education

BC13 - Applied arts and artistic cultures

  • Diploma from the Ministry of National Education and Youth Level 4 (Baccalauréat, BP, BT)

Find out more about this qualification (RNCP38399, exact wording of the diploma, name of the certifier, registration date of the qualification) by clicking here.

Maximum total duration of 1850 hours
The duration of the course is indicative and will be determined according to your profile.

  • All audiences

BEP, CAP in the field or first general or equivalent professional experience.

30 people

Teaching method
  • Fully classroom-based training
Teaching methods
  • Group lessons
  • Equipped technical platforms
  • Room equipped with networked computer workstations
  • Unmarked room with video projector
Monitoring and individualisation

Positioning upstream of entry to training.

For beneficiaries with disabilities: possible adaptation of training and certification arrangements, support from the Académie de Nice CFA disability referent.

Education Nationale certified teachers, Bac +3 trainers with significant experience in adult education, professional lecturers.

In-course assessment (CCF)

Tests at the end of training (One-off assessment)

Total price including VAT: €22380.00
. This price is indicative and non-contractual. Depending on your status, this course can be fully financed. Contact us.

Review of application by UFA Vauban Pauliani: CV, covering letter and interview

Registration: cliquez ici

Apprenticeship: The course is available within a minimum of 48 hours, subject to validation of your application and availability of places, until the end of the 1st month of the course.
from 4 Sep 2023 to 30 June 2026.
from 4 Sep 2023 to 30 June 2026.
from 2 Sep 2024 to 30 June 2027.
from 2 Sep 2024 to 30 June 2027.
from 1 Sep 2025 to 30 June 2028.
from 1 Sep 2025 to 30 June 2028.

Entering a course of further study:

- BTS Customer Relationship Negotiation and Digitisation

- BTS International Trade

- BTS Sales Technician ( Option B)

Entering employment in positions as:

- sales consultant

- telephone consultant, remote customer relations consultant

- sales administration assistant

- account manager

- salesperson, sales representative

Access for people with disabilities

Accessible to people with disabilities

Success rate: 82%

Satisfaction rate: 95%

Study continuation rate: 58%

Interruption rate during training: 0%

Overall employment rate: 25%

Termination rate for apprenticeship contracts signed: 50%



Vocational Training Advisor
Disability Officer
T. 06 12 39 33 19

CFA - Lycée Vauban Pauliani
24 bis Avenue Pauliani
Antenne Vauban /Pauliani
06000 Nice
Accessible to people with disabilities.


Vocational Training Advisor
Disability Officer
T. 06 12 39 33 19
CFA - Lycée Vauban Pauliani
24 bis Avenue Pauliani
Antenne Vauban /Pauliani
06000 Nice
Accessible to people with disabilities.

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