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 BAC PRO Vehicle Maintenance - Option B Road Transport Vehicles

This sandwich course is eligible for the CPF.
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from 18 Sep 2023 to 30 June 2025
from 9 Sep 2024 to 30 June 2026
from 15 September 2025 to 30 June 2027

The holder of this bac pro is a workshop technician. They carry out preventive maintenance (servicing) and curative maintenance (repair) on industrial vehicles.

The graduate searches for the fault using computerised measuring and control instruments. Diagnosis, which is largely computerised, is carried out on a computer, using specialised software that locates, on a diagram, the possible location of the fault. They devise a repair or maintenance method, taking into account the costs involved. He carries out repairs: dismantles and repairs faulty parts, makes adjustments in accordance with the manufacturer's data.

He carries out the periodic servicing and checks of vehicles: greasing, oil changes, examining the wear and tear of parts, changing tyres He welcomes and advises customers, offering them equipment, an additional service.

During their training, future technicians acquire the knowledge of mechanics, hydraulics, electricity, pneumatics and electronics needed to carry out maintenance and repairs in accordance with the specifications provided by manufacturers.

In all their activities, holders of the vocational baccalaureate in vehicle maintenance must:
- be part of their company's quality and sales approach;
- get involved in the "Health - Safety - Environment" management system by complying with the rules for safeguarding the health and safety of people, property and the environment;
- comply with the time limits, instructions and procedures in force in the company.

Vocational training

BC01 - Analyse and prepare for an intervention

Collect the data required for your intervention
Prepare your intervention

BC02 - Carry out interventions on a vehicle

Bring systems back into compliance, sub-assemblies, components
Adjust, parameterise a system
Prepare the vehicle
Manage the workstation

BC03 - Diagnose a mechanical system

Communicate internally and with third parties
Diagnose a mechanical malfunction
Perform checks, tests

BC04 - Diagnose a controlled system

Diagnose a controlled system
Perform measurements on a vehicle

General education

BC05 - Mathematics

BC06 - Physics-chemistry

BC07 - Economics - management

BC08 - Prevention - Health - Environment

BC09 - Modern language English

BC10 - French

BC11 - History-geography-moral and civic education

BC12 - Applied arts and artistic cultures

BC13 - Physical and sports education(for apprentices)

Nb: General education modules may be waived under certain conditions.
  • Diploma from the Ministry of National Education and Youth Level 4 (Baccalauréat, BP, BT)

Find out more about this qualification (RNCP40009, exact wording of the diploma, name of the certifier, registration date of the qualification) by clicking here.

Maximum total duration of 3,550 hours, including 2,200 hours on the job and 1,350 hours at the training centre.
The duration of the course is indicative and will be determined according to your profile.

  • All audiences

Have a CAP in the relevant field

Permis B

Level assessed on positioning

12 people

Teaching method
  • Fully classroom-based training
Teaching methods
  • Personalised path
  • Group lessons
  • Resource centre
  • Equipped technical platforms
  • Room equipped with networked computer workstations
  • Unmarked room with video projector
Monitoring and individualisation

Positioning prior to entry into training.
Equivalences and gateways, please consult us:

For beneficiaries with disabilities: examination of possible adaptations (reception, training and certification arrangements, compensation arrangements): contact:


Interviews, remediation with the educational referent and/or the company referent during the course.

Taking into account the satisfaction of beneficiaries during and at the end of the course.

Possibility of post-training support.

Education Nationale certified teachers, Bac +3 trainers with significant experience in adult education, professional lecturers.

Control during training (CCF)

Tests at the end of training (One-off assessment)

Possibility of validating one or more blocks of skills

In the event of partial validation of the certification, the period of validity of the modules obtained is : 5 years

Hourly rate incl. VAT: €14.39
. This price is indicative and non-contractual. Depending on your status, this training can be fully financed. Contact us.

To register: contact us or your advisor

Positioning test and interview by appointment: please bring an updated CV

Pre-registration link: cliquez ici

Depending on the funding body, training is available between 15 and 45 days before the start of the course. Please contact us for further information.

Contact us to register for a meeting

from 18 Sep 2023 to 30 June 2025.
from 18 Sep 2023 to 30 June 2025.
from 9 Sep 2024 to 30 June 2026.
from 9 Sep 2024 to 30 June 2026.
from 15 Sep 2025 to 30 Jun 2027.
from 15 Sep 2025 to 30 Jun 2027.

The primary aim of this vocational baccalaureate is professional integration, but further study is possible in BTS Maintenance of construction and handling equipment or BTS Vehicle Maintenance option B road transport vehicles

This workshop technician can work in the after-sales network of manufacturers' networks (branches, dealers, agents), in the maintenance workshop of transport companies that handle all makes of vehicles or of an administration, in an independent garage or for a fleet of vehicles.

Access for people with disabilities

Accessible to people with disabilities


    • Indicators
      • Number of learners * : 11
      • Number of learners sitting the exam : 10
      • Satisfaction rate * : 65%
      • Exam pass rate * : 55%
      • Integration rate at end of course *: 67%Integration rate into the intended profession *: 75%Study continuation rate *: 33%
        Dismissal rate * : 27%
      • Dropout rate * : 9%

      * Reference period 01/09/2023 to 30/07/2024, calculated on the number of responses obtained

    ** Results calculated on the number of candidates presented 

  • Occupations: The primary aim of the bac pro maintenance de véhicules option Véhicules de transport routier is professional integration as a mechanic.

  • Further study: With a very good record or a distinction in the exam, further study is possible in the BTS Vehicle Maintenance option Road Transport Vehicles, Supplementary Mention Onboard Systems Maintenance or Supplementary Mention Systems Maintenance / Engine Maintenance or in specific training.

  • Parcours Réussite :
    • GRETA CFA Vaucluse | Avignon | Facebook

      GRETA-CFA Vaucluse (@gretacfa.vaucluse) - Instagram photos and videos

      GRETA-CFA Vaucluse | LinkedIn


      Our indicators can be viewed at: cliquez ici

       Lycée des métiers Vedène : cliquez ici

GRETA-CFA Vaucluse

Accueil GRETA-CFA Vaucluse
T. 09 69 39 44 84
Disability Officer
T. 04 90 60 86 45

Lycée des Métiers du Domaine d'Eguilles
840 avenue d'Eguilles
84270 Vedène
Accessible to people with disabilities.

GRETA-CFA Vaucluse

Accueil GRETA-CFA Vaucluse
T. 09 69 39 44 84
Disability Officer
T. 04 90 60 86 45
Lycée des Métiers du Domaine d'Eguilles
840 avenue d'Eguilles
84270 Vedène
Accessible to people with disabilities.