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General presentation

Since 2002, the Aix-Marseille education authority's public interest group for continuing education and professional integration (GIP-FCIP) has been providing a range of services for education, lifelong learning and professional integration. It is involved in the following areas:

  • the "Continuing Education " division :

- Agent for public contracts of regional scope (Pôle emploi or regional training plan...) on behalf of the academy's GRETA-CFAs as well as partners from outside the National Education

- Carrying out training courses falling within the scope of continuing vocational training

- Support function for the academy's 4 GRETA-CFAs in the areas of responding to calls for tender, communication, management, HR and the staff training plan.

  • le dispositif de validation des acquis de l'expérience (DAVA) :

Public service mission for the VAE process (advice and admissibility) and commercial services to support candidates and companies

  • the "Mobility, integration, employment and the fight against dropping out of school" :

Operations funded by Europe (Erasmus...), by the Provence-Alpes Côte d'Azur regional council or by other private and public funds

DAVA - System for validating acquired experience

VAE offers anyone the opportunity to gain access, on the basis of paid or voluntary work experience, to a diploma or professional certification listed in the Répertoire national des certifications professionnelles. It provides official recognition of your skills through certification.

The DAVA - Dispositif de validation des acquis de l'expérience - is responsible for:

  • informing the public about VAE
  • carrying out personalised studies
  • studying the admissibility booklet
  • accompanying candidates in the preparation of the VAE dossier up to the presentation in front of the jury

More info on the VAE process: VAE

To register for a free, no-obligation information meeting: Registration

DABM - Academic assessment and mobility scheme

The DABM is open to anyone wishing to undergo a diagnostic assessment in order to draw up a career development or mobility plan.

The DABM draws on the expertise of a qualified, competent and experienced multidisciplinary team in the fields of careers guidance, human resources and work psychology: work advisers, work psychology consultants, human resources specialists...

These professionals offer a wide range of "made-to-measure" services tailored to the mobility requirements of employees and the guidance needs of jobseekers.

They also advise companies on skills management and offer them services in this area (skills development plan, mobility, skills transfer and tutoring...).

Continuing Education Department

The mission of the Continuing Education division of the GIP FCIP is to implement and develop actions in the fields of continuing education for adults, in support of or complementary to the offer of the GRETA-CFAs in the academy.

  • responding to public procurement contracts or other calls for tender on its own or through the formation of groupings involving the GRETA-CFAs and other training bodies, as close as possible to the needs of the territories

  • development and management of large-scale academic or regional contracts
  • training of training professionals, consultancy, support for training projects and educational engineering

Mobility, Professional Integration and Early School Leavers Division

The "mobility, professional integration and the fight against dropping out of school" unit is responsible for developing and implementing actions in this field in collaboration with various players in the academic region.

These operations financed by Europe, the PACA Regional Council or other private funds are focused on four areas:

  • European mobility of national education staff for the purposes of language training, exchanges of practices,

  • European mobility of pupils, students or trainees in continuing education for the purposes of work placements,
  • professional integration through various projects for the benefit of the public covered by the Regional Educational Unit for Teaching in Prison Environments
  • the fight against dropping out of school in conjunction with the Education-Economy Liaison Committees and the Mission de Lutte contre le Décrochage Scolaire

Key figures
  • 414

    Candidates supported in 2022 (VAE)

  • 98 %

    Satisfaction rate (VAE)

  • 97 %

    Success rate, including 70% total validation (VAE)

  • 65 %

    Rate of integration of applicants Jobseekers (VAE)

  • 100 %

    Recommendation rate (VAE)

  • 4

    Beneficiaries who have completed the entire programme (Training actions)

  • 79 %

    Satisfaction rate (Training courses)

  • 100 %

    Rate of integration (Training activities)

  • 100 %

    Recommendation rate (Training initiatives)

GIP-FCIP — Les Pléiades 1 Bât C - 860, rue René Descartes — 13857 Aix en Provence

Director of GIP-FCIP


T. 04 42 90 41 00


Directrice adjointe

Alexandra FERRER

T. 04 42 90 41 00


Accounting Officer


T. 04 42 90 41 00


Vocational training consultants

Pascale BARRIL

T. 04 42 93 88 60


Responsable Pôle Formation continue


T. 04 42 90 41 14


Responsable du DAVA, coordonnatrice académique Qualité


T. 06 16 75 57 26


Responsable pédagogique

Christine FOSSET

T. 04 42 90 41 00


Responsable Marchés publics

Barbara MUZART

T. 07 87 83 92 16


Responsable Ingénierie, Innovation et formation

Marilyne RIOS

T. 04 42 90 41 00


Responsable Pôle Mobilité, insertion professionnelle et lutte contre le décrochage scolaire

Training courses
Labels and certifications

Declaration of activity number : 9313P009713

SIRET : 181 337 130 00023 - APE : 8559A

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Réseau Formation Professionnelle
de l'Éducation nationale